Siddharth Arun

Setups - Workspaces, items & tools from the creator community


We invite creators to share their setups and the amazing work they’re doing — and neatly catalog the equipment and tools they’re using so you can find the inspiration you need to build or upgrade your workspace.

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Riva Puati
this is great!
Công Toàn Lê
Looks good
Siddharth Arun
Back in 2014, I wanted to build a Dribbble style community around people sharing their workspaces and tools. That never really took off and I drop the idea and started working on other projects. Fast forward to 2019, inspired by Lovers Magazine, I began exploring the idea of building out the same idea — but based off interviews. I even had a cool new domain for it. It was going to be awesome! I built an MVP and put together the first set of interviews. And then the pandemic struck. Between self-isolation and working a full time job across timezones — the project died, yet again. Fast forward again to 2021. I've been slowly and steadily building out the platform again, this time only focusing on the absolute essentials. It feels amazing to finally launch something that I've been working on, for what feels like, nearly 7 years. The experience of building and shipping Setups has been absolutely amazing. The learning has been incredible. And I hope all of you enjoy it as much as I do! The purpose of Setups is to catalog the workspaces, items and tool that creators use to do their work — to serve as inspiration for people looking for ideas on building or upgrading their space.