A few months ago @bobsenoff and I acquired Linktexting.com and have been hard at work revamping the product & improving the functionality. We're a few weeks away from releasing a whole new version that will help mobile app makers promote their app and drive even more downloads/installs to their mobile apps from their website.
While waiting for product & dev I got very impatient and starting doing what I do best, writing & planning for our big debut. This book is the result of my boredom and my passion for educating (my personal mission statement: "Share everything I know"). It's what I've learned about mobile marketing from my 13 years of marketing.
This book will be updated regularly with the goal to make this the most robust guide on mobile app marketing on the web.
P.S. Here's a link to the PDF: https://www.linktexting.com/play...
Congrats for your new book!!
You have some titles that need to be fixed:
31 Create a demo video > Include app download links on your website.
33 Create a landing page on your site for your app > Add a text to download form on your website.
I think that the last one (33) is the reason for the entire book, so just let it shine :)
I know this post kind of late reply to this book but I just read this book and truth meant to be told love this book great understanding After work as ASO expert in Appfillip for 1.5 year in this area still fun learn new things