Raz Karmi

Linguican - Learn languages with music


Linguician is the best way to learn languages through music and lyrics. Use our amazing language immersion software to learn Spanish around songs from Enrique Iglesias and others!

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Rob J Eiter
Hello Product Hunt Community! I just woke up after a couple of baby earthquakes last night here in Santiago and found out we are hunted on Product Hunt! What a surprise! So let’s do that now! Linguician was started around a year and 4 months ago by my co-founder Alex and myself. Our mission is to change the way educational software is build – from 40% gamification at Duolingo we want to move to 80% gamification at Linguician. In our view learning anything should no longer feel like pain but like quality time. If you want to read more about our mission – I wrote a blog about this: https://medium.com/@EiterRobert/... So let’s quickly introduce Linguician then: Linguician is a platform that uses music streaming (currently YouTube, maybe a different Streaming Service in the future) and licensed lyrics (by LyricFind) as language learning content. The user can learn new words while playing with a commercial/popular song. We are collecting data about user input and in the near future we want to use Machine Learning Algorithms to adjust the difficulty to the level of the user. That’s about it. – So since we are already here at Product Hunt please let us know what you think about it! We appreciate any comment and review of our platform!
Eva Reder
@robert_eiter @eiterrobert I love the songs you selected for learning German . How do you pick them? Do you have native speakers for all languages? Great job guys! Let me know if you need any help from a fellow Austrian with solid growth-hacking skills in Silicon Valley
Rob J Eiter
@e_reder we are mostly using the spotify API for choosing songs. the API comes with a wide range of parameters and we focus on speed and popularity inter alia. by now with all the intelligence we have on that we could tomorrow also launch an automated DJ bot ;) - we plan to use Machine Learning in the near future to adjust the songs displayed to the music preferences of the user - whenever we see there is demand for a language combination we increase the available number of songs on our platform - here also we work with a bunch of APIs but have manual freelance translators working for us - since currently no API would be good enough to deliver high quality (although this may change in the next few years - compare it to self driving cars, at one moment the code will be cracked). The freelancers are based around the world and always translate into their native language. thanks a lot for offering your help - that is of course always very much appreciated. feel free to reach out to me at any time: robert.eiter@linguician.com
I learned so much Spanish from singing along to Manu Chao, this is a super good idea!
Awesome idea! 🎵 Happen to have met the makers once! Great team from Austria! ⛰
Excellent initiative, you may consider expanding the app to kids too. Missing the French option, especially to learn English.
Alex Marshall
I love seeing creative ideas that make language learning more accessible. I'll definitely be trying this out 🎧
Peter Reyes
This actually looks incredible. Giving it a try now!
Nathaniel Chen
This is a great idea! I tried a German song and it works well. I would love to use this for Chinese and Korean, too! How quickly are you able to add new content? Would you consider doing this for TV shows?
Rob J Eiter
@banada - Hi, thanks for your comment. We are very quickly able to add new content - more or less within 3-5 days. Yes, we would be really interested in doing it for TV shows as well. The software works just as fine for any sort of language immersion content. We decided to go ahead and start with lyrics, but this does not mean we will limit ourselves to this. In case you want to follow up with me on this feel free to reach out to me via email at any time: robert.eiter@linguician.com
Very nice idea!
Ram Rayavarapu
Congratulations. Interested to find what CMS have you used for user registration?
Rob J Eiter
@ram_rayavarapu we are using php and the laravel framework ;)
Ram Rayavarapu
@robert_eiter Thanks. Once you're out of beta drop me a message, I would curate this on collegestash.info
Rob J Eiter
@ram_rayavarapu great! I will keep that in mind
Kristen Mozaffari
Fantastic idea! I've always believed music is a great way to learn. Love this. I know it's still fairly new, but any app plans? Other languages? I'd looove to see Japanese.
Rob J Eiter
@zanzaboonda we will definitely make apps once Linguician is in a bit more advanced state than today. Japanese is interesting - but due to the different letters not the easiest language to implement. Thank you for your feedback - let's stay in touch
Kristen Mozaffari
@robert_eiter Awesome! Thanks for replying. And for sure! If there's anything I can do to support you guys, please let me know. :)
Romain Biard
This is a brilliant idea! I love it!
Rob J Eiter
@rombiard thank you - we are very happy to hear that
Dre Durr💡
So Dope 🚬🚬 I am applying for The Voice UK now🎤
Germán Castaño
The idea is awesome and really fun. I really like rock songs and if I can learn English in the process it will be a really nice. Great job!!
Eric Nord
Seems like there are some bugs. On Stromae's Alors On Danse, towards the end it gave me translations for 'Et' that contained 'and' and 'and'. I selected the first one and it said it was wrong because it was actually the second 'and'.
Rob J Eiter
@ericnord6 yes, that is true - unfortuanetely we are not yet bugfree today. I apologize for that. Please also take into account that it was by surprise that I found out we got hunted today ;)
Nathaniel Chen
Have you considered making this a Chrome extension? I can see myself using this often (and would pay!), but I would prefer to watch YouTube videos on YouTube, and answer questions in a Pocket-style popup window. Keep up the great work! :)
Rob J Eiter
that's actually a really good idea @banada - no so far we have not considered this. but we will denitely think about your suggestion in the future!
Finally! someone did it! I love it. Would love to see in the future the possibility of hovering over other words and getting the translation as well. 🔥
Louise Croft
Exciting stuff! Gave it a try and loved it :) Always looking for a new and interesting way to learn languages and this is such an innovative idea :) Good luck guys!
Rob J Eiter
thank you very much @paupertoprinces
Encantado de conocer esta idea. Me gustaría desde ya probarlo en forma de app en mi móvil pero por ahora está bastante interesante la experiencia
Rob J Eiter
hola @sergio_ramos_montoya! agradecemos mucho a tu comentario. en principio nuestra plataforma ya esta optimizado para el uso en tu telefono movil. Lo puedes usar desde el browser de tu movil - para el app nativo todavia vamos a necesitar un tiempo!
Peyton Hayslette
I'm a huge fan of language learning tools. I see myself putting this in the rotation with other apps.
Mathews Babu
It is a great idea. All the best team!