Lil Requester
Request. Learn. Repeat
Marc Lefton

Lil Requester — Empower Your Child with Communication

Empower Your Child with Communication Empower your child with speech and language using Audio/Visual Cues. Repetition makes your Child gradually understand and appreciate the importance and power of language – building independence.
Marc Lefton
Lil Requester(TM) was founded by parents and created for parents to help kids with communication difficulties express themselves and their needs effectively. In doing so, Lil Requester(TM) also helps further develop and reinforce communication through visuals and audio cues, which is a critical foundation for many developmental skills in life. For many children, one of the first stages of communication is requesting. Requesting favorite toys, food, and activities is highly motivating. The Lil Requester app helps develop a child’s ability to gradually request more independently, strengthening their use of language through imitation and repetition. If your child is non-verbal, difficult to understand, or has regressions in their speech, try Lil Requester free to see if it can help remove the frustration and tantrums that can come from not communicating.