Playground where you pay per like.
Andrii Mironenko

LikeStorage — Playground where you pay per like.


Every day we do a lot of likes. We make it simple - poke on the screen. And that's all. But what will happen if you have to pay for like? It is easy to check by creating a special site where you need to pay only $0.10 per like. Let`s store your like!
Andrii Mironenko
Hello, I did a little social experiment, which will let you know what people will do if they need to pay for likes. Every day we do a lot of likes. We make it simple - poke on the screen. And that's all. But what will happen if you have to pay for like? It is easy to check by creating a special site where you need to pay only $0.10 per like. You can even like yourself, and type your nickname and your website. It is legal :) Let`s store your like!