Ivan Fedorov

Lightpad - Calendar for dreamers and visual thinkers


Lightpad's calendar uses your visual cortex for spatial time perception so that you can stop wasting your consciousness on stitching week rows in the table and focus on the tasks at hand.
Try planning that Sparks Joy!
(prospects in the comment)

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Ivan Fedorov
Fellow dreamers, I'm so glad to see you here. How do you feel today? Personally, I'm both excited and scared. But after all, I like to feel good. And I like it when people around me feel good. I think that's the value of a good product – it makes you feel good. Sparks joy 😌 Similar to many of you, I enjoy planning and thinking about the future. But I never wanted to place any of that into common calendars, with their dry tables, my fragile plans didn't want to get in there. So, I decided to make my own calendar, with both lively and calm colors and a natural flowing timeline. Lightpad shows time closer to what we think it is – a continuous dimension. And it's natural for your visual cortex, so it can process time distance on its own and your consciousness can focus on the planning. And, to me, it feels right. I think it can be a good fit for dreamers and visual thinkers. This project has been a long road, yet I’m excited for the journey ahead. Lightpad will continue to be enhanced and updated – so stay tuned! Google Calendar integration is expected to arrive in July (or perhaps much faster) and additional extensions are soon to come. Cheers! --- Prospects –––– I would like Lightpad to be much more than a calendar. I sure would like to have collaboration features, tasks, robust structuring features with tree editing. Some of those already have backend ready and just wait for the UI. More extension points are shown in the Roadmap section on the landing page. Some are yet to be announced. Feedback welcome (even the most brutal !) –––– If anything isn't working, or unclear, or you see a potential improvement – leave a comment, I'll be happy to help, or accept feedback. Remember – there's no such thing as a dumb question. If anything is unclear – it's my fault, and you will only help by asking. Promo –––– Use code PRODUCTHUNT to get a 29% discount on next 6 months of service on any of the plans on the main pricing page. Use word "secret" in your comment to get a special secret code for an even better deal. On Table calendars –––– Many of you may be accustomed to table-type calendars and I respect that. But think about what – the time is a continuous dimension, right? Therefore, it can be presented spatially. And your visual cortex is extremely good at processing spatial information. Table, instead, requires some processing by consciousness, to stitch week rows into a continuum, thus leaves fewer resources to process the tasks at hand. Don't get me wrong: tables are great, I love them. But table calendars, they optimize for space, instead of optimizing for brain resources. They were made for the physical constraints of the time. Those constraints no longer apply. With the layer of virtuality, we can make a quasi-infinite time representation. That's why I think spatial calendars are a much less wrong approach for our time. They use more of the brain and allowing consciousness to focus on the tasks at hand. --- Credits: Video: Polina Lyubko instagram.com/jorgdavis Video track: KaiKaiWave soundcloud.com/rudtjr7281 App SFX: Slava Redov soundcloud.com/slavaredov Poll –––– Some of my friends perceive time as a spiral where each turn corresponds to a year, so if you're like my friends – you're not alone. So how do you perceive time? See options below
@spacegangster I find I perceive time on a log-scale, where the distance between today and tomorrow is very short, but the distance between 3 days from now and 4 days from now is very long. That would be very intuitive for me visually.
Ivan Fedorov
@xarlyle0 hmm, that's definitely interesting 🧐 Do you think it will scale for larger timespans?
Oliver Rolle
I organize my side project todos with lightpad. I did not miss a deadline again. The UI is intuitive and the time organization is unique. I highly recommend lightpad.
Ivan Fedorov
@orolle hi Oliver! Whoa, thanks a lot for the praise! Do you miss any features?
Oliver Rolle
@spacegangster I think some team features would be nice. Some kind of tasks aggregation for tasks in the far future too.
Ivan Fedorov
@orolle got you! yeah, we want it too. How do you see tasks aggregation?
Oliver Rolle
@spacegangster tough question. maybe count the tasks and group by tags or summarize by tasks by text (google text summarization) for maybe weeks or months. But I am not sure whats better. it though question.
Ivan Fedorov
@orolle good idea! Yeah, thats worth a research.
Trong Nguyen
Very cool product. Suggestion: ability to add tag while typing tasks, using hashtag for example. And zoom in zoom out of flow. And keyboard shortcuts.
Ivan Fedorov
@trong_nguyen Hi Trong! Thanks! πŸ™ Zoom and shortcuts are planned already, hash tag is a good suggestion, thank you for it!
Trong Nguyen
@spacegangster I have another observation, that Lighpad looks great on Safari, but the text is squeezed on Chrome (like the "Now" text and the date overlap each other sometimes).
Ivan Fedorov
@trong_nguyen thanks! what resolution and OS?
Trong Nguyen
@spacegangster Sorry, it is my bad. I was setting the font size to be large in Chrome. It looks normal when I set the font to be medium.
Ivan Fedorov
@trong_nguyen ah no worries! Ping if you'll find more stuff. Are you on Twitter? Also, just in case – there's a better promo code spelled "producthunt42"
Joel Runyon
Hey - this is cool! What's the difference between tags & supertags?
Ivan Fedorov
@joelrunyon hello there! Thanks for the praise 😌 Supertags are hierarchical (like folders on a laptop). You can try them in notes. For instance you can tag a note like "Project : PR : issue #3", "Ideas : tech". I'll try to highlight them in features this week! So how it feels to you? Ping if there's anything obscure!
Joel Runyon
@spacegangster two more questions 1) I haven't figured out to how to tag a todo event. Any tips? 2) Can I assign a time to an event so I can plan it out in my day?
Ivan Fedorov
@joelrunyon 1) you can create a tag in [manage tags], tune its color scheme. Then you can switch to it and create tasks inside of it. You can't change tags yet. My genuine mistake, I think I'll be able to address it this week, I need it myself. 2) Yes, on a laptop. For now you can create your day tasks, then switch scale (bottom right) to Hour mode and do [reschedule all]. It will feed you tasks one by one and you'll be able to give arrange them within hours of the day. You need minutes too right? I'm thinking about adding a time parser like in iOS reminders
Joel Runyon
@spacegangster ah - i'll poke around on tags a bit more. Would be great if you could make "hours" signify what day I'm on a bit more as it wasn't quite clear the first few times I clicked that.
Ivan Fedorov
@joelrunyon current selected day is always on top, in the status bar. I agree though, as it's a bit too high on the orbit. I'll take a think :) Thanks for all this feedback! Keep it coming!
Daria Peters
This seems pretty nice and I will definitely use it, cause hell this is so better than usual calendars or notes app. I was going through the introduction and there were some tasks created for today and I can’t figure out how to remove them. Can you please provide me with some instructions?
Ivan Fedorov
@daria_peters Hi Daria, thanks for the praise! Sure. Open a day, and click "expand all" button. Then you'll see "archive" button on every task. A bit confusing, I get it. I'll update the tutorial later or will try to make the UI a bit simpler. Don't hesitate to ask me again, if this isn't enough. I'm ready yo provide a personal onboarding if needed. You can always reach me on Twitter / Facebook / Insta.
Just like a calendar, only cool and interesting!
Ivan Fedorov
@rowb thanks! Yeah, that's our original vision. We haven't done any research so far, but it seems to click with a lot of people!
@spacegangster OK cool, yeah I haven't been happy with normal calendars like Google and this looks like an interesting approach to making them more usable!
Ivan Fedorov
@rowb yeah! And we will polish that! There is better scaling coming as well!
Deepu Mohan Puthrote
Cool, idea. Never imagined calendar could be seen as a flow instead of tables. Good luck!
Ivan Fedorov
@deepu_mohan_puthrote thanks Deepu! We think it actually makes more sense in the digital age. And it's more scalable – one format that fits very different timespans.
Valt Khan
Calendar looks like space journey, Liked it!
Ivan Fedorov
@valt_khan Aww, thanks a lot! Yeah, I'm a big space fan actually! You've touched my heart here. Thanks! 😊
Sue Brettell
An interesting question! I see time as very subjective. It's as fluid as our thoughts and dreams. How we perceive our place in the time/reality continuum can't easily be quantified. Many of us understand the concept of past lives, but I believe that we can have future lives too. I think some of the great innovators are reborn from the future. I have had vivid past life dreams and I firmly believe that anything the human mind can imagine is possible.
Evgeniy Shiryaev
visual marvel that is, definitely a gasp of fresh air after all those overcomplicated excel-like apps. some people need an inspiration, not an endless sheet 🀞 went off to clean my room
Ivan Fedorov
@evgeniy_shiryaev awesome! Glad you like it Evgeniy! Ping if you encounter any issues or will need any features! ❀️
Woow ! the design is very unusual but so original, functional and cool It's a wonderful product !
Ivan Fedorov
@mybutler hey, thanks for the kind words ❀️ Ping if you find anything for improvement or explanation!
Sourabh Asawa
very appealing product... Now since you have launched.. you would love to get listed on our platform https://www.explorebit.io/
Ivan Fedorov
@sourabh_asawa1 thanks! Looks interesting! I'll take a deeper look in upcoming days
Victoria Teasdale
Wow. This is amazing. As a spatial sequence synaesthete this is how I actually experience time. Except more horizontal. I can’t wait to see how this app unfolds as I’ve always struggled with traditional calendars.
Ivan Fedorov
@victoria_teasdale thanks Victoria! 😌 Hmm, I think we can look into configurable flow alignment in the future
Medved' Barney
I really enjoy the color scheme but would decrease text contrast for bright pink scheme)
Ivan Fedorov
@medved_barney thanks Barney πŸ™ˆ I'll look into that
I've been witnessing Lighpad being developed by my friend for some time and I can definitely vouch his devotion for this project.
Ivan Fedorov
@nordous thanks Alex! If you have any feature requests – let me know
Simon Vrdn
Top!! Very ergonomic !!
Ivan Fedorov
@simon_vrdn thanks Simon, glad you like it! If you have any critique – I'm willing to listen!
Bryan Sbriglia
Im not sure if this product will work for me or not yet, but its easily the biggest innovation in calendar products ive ever seen - super excited to try it out! (secret)
Ivan Fedorov
@bs2889 thanks a LOT, Brian πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ ! If you don't like anything or something will seem obscure – be sure to let me know. There's lots of polish to be done and lots of missing concepts and features! Ideally, I see Lightpad as something more than a beautiful calendar – I want teamwork and structure so that it could help communities.
Ivan Fedorov
@bs2889 sorry Brian, I've just noticed the "secret", my bad. Your promo code is producthunt42 ;) We'll update your subscription!
Thanks so much for this beautiful app. The tag feature is still a little buggy (facing some problems when trying to view all tags, and also receiving error message when I try to delete tags I created). Also, the "Tasks" tab is weird. Things added there are not reflected on the timeflow, nor can I schedule my tasks from there. Pressing "enter" also creates an unnecessary blank task. Still, I really like that we can plan by hours as well, like a regular planner and all my records can be tracked. It would be really great, if we can preview the broad task for the day, while planning the hourly tasks, or even drag and drop those tasks to "slot" into the hours. Please consider that feature! Some shortcuts (for adding tasks, moving to next day/hour etc.) would also be great. Definitely see potential in this and will continue using it.
Ivan Fedorov
@lee_yi_wei hey! thanks! glad you like it! On what device (model or screen dimensions in pixels) are you having these issues with viewing all tags? Tag deletion issue I will investigate, thank you! For now, you can try to reset local data. On mobile – open burger menu and click "reload app", on desktop – same button, but in your profile (click on the username/email in the top left corner). For hourly planning – at the moment it has an hourly view, you can switch to that, click on hour 0, all tasks will be on it, and tap "reschedule all" button. This will allow you to set an hour for every task in one go. But I will think about a better approach definitely! Thanks a lot for raising this. If you encounter any other obscurities – I'm willing to listen. Thanks for the support πŸ‘
Elena Bespalko
I love it!
Ivan Fedorov
@new_user_35871fa865 thanks Elena, we appreciate that πŸ₯° ! Ping if you find any rough edges.
Trell West
I’ve literally been β€˜dreaming’ of this! Thank you for building it. This makes too much sense. Keep building!
Ivan Fedorov
@trellwest whoa, thanks Trell ❀️ ! You energise me with this! We were dreaming together then. Spread the word.