Niv Dror

Light Phone 2 - Beautiful phone designed to be used as little as possible


The Light Phone 2 is a 4G phone with a beautiful black & white matte E-ink display. It's a more reliable, durable, and practical phone, now featuring essential tools like messaging, an alarm clock, the ability to get a ride-share home or a list of simple directions. All so you can leave your smartphone behind more often.

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Joe Hollier
Hey PH, I’m Joe! We’re pretty excited to hear from everyone here, stoked to be on the platform. It’s been almost three years since we introduced the first Light Phone campaign. Having shared our phone with over 10,000 users around the world, collected feedback and learned from our mistakes, we're really excited about the potential of Light Phone 2. One thing that we believe in now more than ever is the power of ‘going light’, it is an amazing experience, one that feels profound in a time when we have become so accustom to our existence only through hyper-connectivity. Our goal with the Light Phone 2 is to make a more reliable, durable and practical device that makes it easier to go light more often… or for good! So, you’re probably asking, what’s new? Light Phone 2 is a 4G LTE phone with a custom black-and-white E-Ink display. It has an aluminum casing, a larger speaker, microphone & battery, and the addition of a proximity sensor, headphone jack and physical buttons for navigation. The Light Phone 2 also introduces a new operating system and functionality. Light's OS uses a few thoughtfully implemented tools, with physical buttons to scroll through your customized 'toolbox'. The typographic-based interface is a pleasure to use.  We will be adding messaging as well, the most requested addition by our users. We also want to include an alarm clock, so you can leave the smartphone outside the bedroom. Other tools will be possible to explore thanks to the 4G connectivity, and we will be working closely with our backers to bring the tools that make the most sense to the Light Phone 2; maybe the ability to get simple directions or to call a ride-share home. These are tools, not feeds or notifications. We are launching the Indiegogo campaign this morning at 10am EST! A $250 donation will get you one of the very first Light Phone 2s, which we expect to ship in about a year, April 2019. We would be honored to have you as a backer and to work together over the next year to make this the best possible phone for everyone’s needs. You can find much more details on the campaign page: Thank you for following along with our project, this is an exciting next chapter for us as we continue to provide a refreshing alternative to the tech monopolies that are fighting ever more aggressively for our attention. Remember, our time is their money. Much love, Joe & Kai
Thomas Potaire
@joehollier Any plan to open the platform to developers to build minimalistic apps?
Patrick Quinn
@joehollier @teapot This needs to happen. Firm guidelines, Javascript based SDK and you've a winner on your hands.
Ajay Goel
How is it that this product is ranking above 12 others with one single upvote?
Oh the difficulties of the 1%
d a n n y
@androidlove this doesn't solve a problem that's specific to the 1%, nor is it priced beyond the means of a lot of people (assuming they value their own mental health). However, it does appear to solve a problem that only a particular type of people are acutely aware of. I think that will change in the future as phones get mashed even further into our eyeballs.
Jared Hsu ✏️
If I weren't so caught up with useless tech junk, this would be my phone! Minimalism is great, I just wish my cluttered lifestyle will one day evolve to the point where I can become a minimalist haha.
Joe Hollier
@jeddyhsu Thanks, Jared!
Moshe Bixenshpaner



E-ink is a great screen for reading stuff and the battery should last for weeks


E-ink is relatively slow and there will never be apps as good as in other phones, besides R2L languages will probably not be supported.

Walid Ark
Great value prop, but the pricing is off the charts...
Joe Hollier
@walark Hi Walid! We wish we could offer the phone at a lower price point but being a small team designing custom/bespoke hardware and software makes it difficult to compete with tech giants who can leverage existing infrastructure and economies of scale to produce extremely inexpensive tech.
Ruben A. Ramirez
@walark I mean, compared to a $1,000 smartphone, it is a quarter of the price... though it offers less than a quarter of the solutions.
Patrick Quinn
@walark @joehollier Why not partner with one of the larger Chinese brands who have the purchasing power and distribution reach to make this a success. That will allow you to focus on software and bring the costs *way* down (It needs to be 150 euro - 200 dollars make)
Walid Ark
@joehollier Hi Joe! I understand your point. Don't get me wrong, the phone is very appealing and i really like it, but still not convinced about your pricing strategy. A 400$ basic/minimalist phone is a bit over the top. (IMHO)
Walid Ark
@rubes_world A 1k phone is at then end of the price spectrum. You can have a decent phone for 200-300$.
Joshua Pinter
@nivo0o0 Since this isn't being delivered until (optimistically) April 2019, shouldn't this be marked as a Pre-Order? You got my hopes up and now they've fallen again.
Niv Dror
@joshuapinter good point! Just updated it.
Juho S
The need for tools to live a more digitally minimal life is becoming more acute each year. I have already last year disabled all notifications on all devices and removed social media apps from my phone. These have been first aid to my addictive phone usage and light phone 2 could be the next step. Adding bluetooth to the final configuration much welcome move.
Kyle McDonald
I find it funny how this is called Light Phone but with the eInk display I can't use it in the dark.
Joe Hollier
@hustlinhack Hey Kyle! We totally see where you're coming from but we actually plan on integrating a backlight so the phone can be used in all situations :)
Oh man. Saw I missed out on the first one and was excited to see a few more essentials added to Light Phone 2. Seems perfect. But that 2019 ship date seems sooooo far away. Hard to put money towards it knowing I won't get it for over a year. Will it be available for sale outside of crowd funding campaigns around that time?
Joe Hollier
@jaaaaarek Hey Jarek! Hope you've been well. The Light Phone 2 will be available after the campaign, however, the price will jump to $400 at retail, so you're saving $150 by going with the Indiegogo campaign.
Ruben A. Ramirez
Wow! This is stellar and comes in perfect timing! I just cracked my thousandth (more like 5th) phone and I blame that it is because I am on it too much. This would be perfect. Just #need WhatsApp capability for it to be a real purchase for me. Is that looking possible?
David Sulitzer
I absolutely LOVE this...and yet I’ll never get it. Because either I can’t risk not having a camera on me anymore or if I really decide to go without I’ll go even more minimal and leave the house with a cellular Apple Watch + AirPods. Maybe this needs an Apple Watch app to receive notifications for non-cellular Watch owners (but that base will shrink in the next few years) or bundle it with a tiny camera! Or maybe I’m wrong and a smart watch will actually make people more likely to leave the fully featured phone at home and get yours as a minimal screen to have just in case 🤷🏻‍♂️
David Kosmayer
Nice work Joe and Team product looks awesome!
Joe Hollier
@davidkosmayer Thanks, David!
Joshua Pinter
You know what you just hit?
Paul Tomkinson
🙌🙏🏖️ zen. Love it. This is the new trend.
Thomas Harris
Really great product! Love the idea and the design, big kudos to that 🙌🏾
Aslam Abbas
OMG! I was a big supporter of Light Phone 1. I remember arguing with my friends over why this is very important today. Still, I felt the light phone could do a bit more. Now you have done it. Get the message across everybody. I hope this becomes available everywhere. #NeedoftheCentury
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Light Phone 2 --> a bridge to those horrifying ”unplugged” weekends
Kelly Kuhn-Wallace
Light Phone 2 --> a bridge to those horrifying ”unplugged” weekends
Artem Boiko
Dooooooooope!!!! I'm sold!