Asen - Combining psychology with computer vision


Introducing, a groundbreaking leap in AI lie detection technology. Designed to discern truthfulness and identify potential deception, LiarLiar operates in real-time, combining proven psychological methods with advanced computer vision.

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Dear future early adopters of this captivating technology, I’d like to thank you in advance for supporting our efforts into disrupting the way we communicate online. In these uncertain times where remote work has been put on pedestal, it had become evident to us we need to take full advantage of the complex computer vision systems and neural networks that have become widely popular. We have been working to create this software for the past 3 months, and we still have a long way to go, but we’re very excited to start sharing our progress with our on a regular basis now, so that we can together shape the vision for this product. By the time we’re done with it, our goal is to have a software that can absolutely reliably and unbiased give you a gentle warning any time somebody has a high chance of being dishonest or deceitful to you. We have already conducted about a dozen experiment sessions, in which we have estimated that your tool has close to 70% success rate in correctly identifying natural deceitful activities, and has close to 100% accuracy in identifying the entailing cues and tells. While the interpretation of those activities and our truthfulness score is relatively subjective, it is absolutely evident that any time the truthfulness score of a person falls below 50%, you should take caution in their answers, and perhaps ask your question again. If this has happened, then the person you’re talking to has shown great sensitivity to the question or the discussion you have started. Our tool does not serve as a judge, but only as a precaution and emotional intelligence enhancer, so you can understand people and their true intentions better. I hope you have a great time using this software, and hopefully don’t encounter way too many bugs this early on that you get impatient. Looking forward to hearing your feedback and understanding how we can make this better.
@asenlevov just wow! And do you use Paul Ekman technique with micro expressions?
@nastassia_k Hello Nastassia, thank you! We are not using the Paul Ekman technique, yet. However, we use a neural network that's trained on millions of images for different emotions, while for the other type of micro-expressions, we are actively tracking more than 400 facial landmarks, and we have basically hard-coded the cues we're looking for such as change in eye gaze, blinking, lip compression, etc.
saurabh parmar
@asenlevov intersting. Do you have a monthly plan ? If not can I try it out with a video eg
Adrian Andrade
@asenlevov Congratulations on the launch,! 🚀 Here's to a future of enhanced security and trust! 🌐🤖
@saurabh_parmar Thanks, shoot me an email at with the video you want to see :)
André J
💡 Bright idea
Can I try it by uploading a video of a politician? Is it possible to try it before committing by paying? I want to see if it works first. Thanks
@sentry_co Hi Andre, you can send the video to, and I will process it for you gladly :)
André J
@asenlevov Awesome! thanks so much. I think this is so exciting! Imagine this as an Apple TV app analysing live tv, or as a mobile app to verify if people are telling the truth 😅 Black mirror vibes! So this is a famous left wing politician from Norway who has admitted that he lied in this interview: (full disclosure I have nothing against him or his party, I'm in the middle politically, This is truly to test if this service works, as his body language is all over the place 😅)
@sentry_co My pleasure, Andre! I hope I don't come off as the villain in this Black Mirror episode, haha. Here is the analyzed video:
André J
@asenlevov Thanks! That's really impressive stuff! I had no clue about all these signs that tell if your lying or not! Only problem is that the very same politicians can now practice lying with the same tool that will catch them. 😂
@sentry_co It would take too much practice - they have more lucrative things to do surely Haha
💡 Bright idea
André J made a point with the video of a politician. 😄 Great tool; I can see how we will need this more and more often. Congrats on the launch! 💪
@laurentiu_stefan Thanks, Laurentiu! Your words capture the essence of what we're striving for. André's video is just a glimpse into the vast possibilities if this type of technology was commercially adopted. Excited for what's to come.
Jacob Choi
Congrats on your launch. I love the concept behind this and I have a few questions! What criteria do you use to define falsehood, and thus the extent to which this technology can be applied? I wonder how the analyzed person's mental landscape and relationship to their words affect the ability to detect deceit. Thank you for your time considering my questions. I look forward to better understanding your product.
@jacob_boston Hello Jacob, thank you for the great question. As we have outlined on our website, we use a combination of heart rate, eye gaze, micro-expressions, voice tone and pitch, and also emotions to create a standardized profile of a person. Then, when these parameters start fluctuating, we alert the user (you) for disturbance and irregularity, and thus we reduce the trustfulness score of the person. Essentially, the more tells/cues the person shows, the lower their trustfulness score is. Things like increased heart rate, decreased blinking, eye gaze change, and rapid emotional shift all contribute to lowering this score.
Jacob Choi
@asenlevov Thank you for your reply. So may I understand this technology then to be limited to persons who are aware of their own falsehood and are worried about being caught? By action-- an actor & a liar, though both are aware that everything they are conveying is figurative and thus false, only one carries the mental/emotional landscape (such as guilt or fear) necessary to trigger tells. So though both persons are doing the same thing, only the person with aspects such as guilt and fear present will be detected and given a lower truthfulness/trustworthiness score, correct?
@jacob_boston Yes, that's right, Jacob. This detector, or any polygraph for that matter wouldn't be able to detect any difference for a person who truly believes what they are saying, including well-trained operatives or psychopaths for that matter. But for the average person, like 99% of the population, this tool would be very much functional.
Shivangi Awasthi
This is unbelievably the best use of AI. Kudos to you for coming up with this idea! Rooting for you today. Grab the #1 spot!!
@shivangiawasthi Haha, thanks for the kind words!
Shane Yan
🔌 Plugged in
Hey Asen! Big congrats on this launch! The idea of a technology that can potentially predict deceit is not just fascinating but also pretty revolutionary – I've yet to come across anything quite like it. But it does make me wonder, who is the intended audience this? Would it be companies for interviews and business meetings, or any regular Joe looking to avoid dishonest interactions? I have some queries too - can this software detect deceit across different languages and cultures, considering body language and expressions vary worldwide? And, how does it differentiate between actual deceit and mere nervousness or discomfort? I genuinely can't wait for your vision to come to fruition! This could revolutionize digital communications as we know it.
@shaneyan Hi Shane, thanks for the wonderful comment and food for thought. I certainly believe the way we communicate will be heavily disrupted by tools like LiarLiar and other computer vision algorithms. So far, the main audience is very interested in this has been salespeople, HR people, and companies looking to further strengthen their ID verification processes. I've also read about similar technologies being deployed at border security checkpoints for streamlined questioning. Regarding the varying international factors, the things we have outlined as cues and tells in our software are pretty much universal anywhere you go. For example, changes in the frequency of blinking or heartbeats are basically the universal tell that somebody is sensitive or nervous about a given topic. The same goes for eye gaze changes. Differentiating between actual deceit and discomfort is something no tool will ever be able to tell with certainty, however sensitiveness and nervousness around a topic can indicate that you should inquire further into that topic, and there's a high likelihood that the person is hiding something from you or being deceitful. Even CIA agents would never use the polygraph to determine whether a statement is a lie or not, but they would just delve deeper into the more sensitive topics, so they can get the most out of the conversation.
Artem Konovalov 💎
Oh wow! You've finally launched, watched over your "Coming soon" for a while guys 😁 As I wrote before, just took the service for a spin, and it feels like a peek into the future of truth detection. Back in a while, I worked hard on face emotion recognition and many more (in and in Capture, look at your project and see that technologies have stepped to the next level. Keep it up guys, good luck! 🔥 question: the header of PH says lifetime access, but I guess it does nothing. there are no promo codes or something?
@mattisssa Haha thanks for following us, Artem! I'm glad you see some progress in tech - let's always see that and have the world become prettier, better and cleaner :) The lifetime deal is still site-wide and available for everyone to get. Planning to switch to subscription by the end of the year.
Eugene Lipski
Haha I love it! Good luck guys!
@eugene_lipski Thanks, Eugene :)
Congratulations to the team! This is such a revolutionary idea; the application of AI in lie detection is absolutely groundbreaking. I admire the novel concept behind real-time truth discernment and deception identification. My suggestion would be to consider introducing a credibility scale or spectrum in the output, offering a more nuanced understanding instead of a binary lie/truth scenario. Wishing you every success with!
@manmohit Hi Manmohit, we already have that, and it's called the Truthfulness Score (in the top right corner).
Success Hopeful
This is really an intriguing content.
Vidit Yadav
Awesome! stuff
@vidit_yadav Thank you, Vidit!
an I try it by uploading a video of a politician? Is it possible to try it before committing
@saeid564 Hi there, another person just requested the same. Please, see the comment by André J@sentry_co :)
@esenlevov Thanks! That's really impressive stuff! I had no clue about all these signs that tell if your lying or not! Only problem is that the very same politicians can now practice lying with the same tool that will catch them. 😂
@esenlevov @recent_5 Haha, yes, that's a probable issue, but you can also use the tool yourself to become a better communicator or be able to detect signs of lies even without the tool afterwards in real life.
Mansi Trivedi
Woah! 🐣AI never stops surprising me! Congratulations on the launch and all the best to the entire team! 🚀💪💫 Honestly, I'd like to try it on some of my relatives for sure! 😂😂
@mansi_trivedi1 Thanks, Mansi! My thought as well initially when it was born, haha.
Kira Leigh
Casually wondering if LiarLiar was measured against neurodivergent reactions, especially autistic people. We aren't going to have the same responses to stimuli on our faces. So, chances are, if this data-set didn't include might not work accurately for folks who process things differently.
@kiraieigh Hello there, thank you for the appropriate and spot-on comment. People with mental and even body disorders would surely have varying reactions, and our tool wouldn't be a good measurement in such cases. We have done no such experiments so far. We know for a fact that psychopaths/sociopaths would pass any polygraph test flawless, because they would truly believe what they are saying, so in these types of cases, the standard tools or even the new-age tools like ours wouldn't be applicable.
Alex Gavril
It's truly something we will need, especially with all the recent advancements in AI and beyond. I also enjoyed seeing the ingenious ideas of use, as André J mentioned. 😄 Great product, and congrats on the launch! 👏
@alex_gavril1 Absolutely! Thanks, Alex :)
Wow! This AI movement is at a breakneck speed. You mean I can't lie anymore?? :D Quite amazing.
@simpledocs Thanks, Vince!
Lakshya Singh
Crazy! This is so cool! Congrats on the launch Asen!
@lakshya_singh Thanks, Lakshya!
Ryan Hoover
This is fascinating and so many potential use cases. Perhaps this should be used during founder<>investor pitches. It's better both sides surface the truth before partnering.
@rrhoover Thank you, Ryan. It's already being used by two venture funds, haha :D
Ryan Hoover
@asenlv oooh, interesting. They have LiarLiar join their calls with founders? I'm also curious what your target audience and use case is, as this could be used for a variety of purposes.
Can we please stop making AI phrenology scams like this?
@ian9k Hi Ian, we have really put a lot of late nights into building this product, and it's the furthest thing from a scam. Is it a perfect software? No. Does it have a lot of bugs and issues? Yes. But, does it work as intended? Yes. We have a long way to go with this project, and this is yet the beginning, so get ready to see our digital communications change slowly :)
@asenlv do you know how many people have had their lives ruined by faulty lie detector tests? people still think polygraph exams are real. you admitted *in this thread* the product doesn't work on huge swaths of the population, do you think that's going to stop anyone from using it and acting like it's perfect? None of this throat clearing about accuracy is on the site.