Sanem Avcil

Lego Boost - Build + Code + Play

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Maddie Bleistern
When I was a kid, LEGO Mindstorms was essentially my introduction to programming logic. I was hooked! Hours and hours of learning, disguised as fun. I just love the way Lego supports creative confidence-building and tinkering.
website does a great job of explaining nothing. 😉 looks interesting though.
Stefan Wirth
@kleerkoat although the button at the top says "more info" it should say "same info but 2 or 3 more images" 🙃
Grant Wilkinson
Really cool! Only thing that im not a fan of is how the programming blocks look very similar to Osmo I think Osmo was really creative in coming up with that system.
Michael Ducker
@jeberly @grantfwilkinson1 scratch comes out of the MIT media lab that invented Mindstorms with Lego in 1998. So it's fair to say mindstorms -> scratch -> osmo
Elie Teyssedou
The product I was looking for ! My kids will love it.
Sanem Avcil
Lego Boost turns your bricks into robots
Nael Shahbaz
Looks fantastic.
Towhid Zaman
LEGO = Me being a kid again ^_^
Mariah Lichtenstern
It would be nice to see some diverse kids / girls...
Stefan Ritter
@lightedstar this post here doesn't do it justice, they have way more diverse kids playing with it on the actual product page
Legotastic. The best toy in the world.
Stefan Ritter
It's like my old Lego Mindstorms is back! It's how I got into programming originally. Makes me want to play with Lego again. Wait, so how is this different?
Rayhan Rafiq Omar
Is this for kids or adults? Seems a little too elaborate. But maybe I'm overthinking it. Certainly very cool to see this from Lego
Josh Carter
Is it August yet!?!
David Dias
That could be a really good introduction for kids to programming. LEGO Mindstorms is really good too but maybe needed to be re-invented.
dimitar inchev
Is LEGO the the company with best LTV metrics or what:))
Yahya K-rim TeamVns
Hi everybody can you upvote my app,
Saroj Kumar
This is really great.