Rajya Atluri

Leela - Connect with women who have similar health experiences


Leela is a health & wellness social app for women. With Leela you can discuss all things health & wellness, connect with women who have similar health experiences, learn something new, and leave better able to advocate for yourself in healthcare settings.

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Rajya Atluri
Everyone talks about how we share so much of ourselves online now—what we eat, who we’re with, every job promotion and event. A generation of “overshare-ers.” As we all know, many of us post our highlight reels and tuck the other parts of ourselves neatly away. Cystic acne is swiped away in Facetune, chronic illness is covertly researched in the depths of WebMD, and mental illness is shoved under an “I’m just busy.” We struggle in shame and isolation. There have been times when I’ve felt like I was the only person in the entire world who had ever experienced a certain physical or mental hurdle. I wished I could connect with someone who had been there, who got through it. Social media is the great connector, but I mean, it’s hard to post about say, anxiety, on Instagram amongst all the brunch pics. Leela now exists in the world, and I hope for it to be the beginning of breaking down the stigmas surrounding health & wellness. With Leela, you’ll be able to discuss all of your health & wellness related questions and stories, find others who understand what you’re going through, learn something new, and leave better able to ask for what you need. Health is at once a universal and singular experience, and Leela is a community built on respect, empathy, and kindness to help us all feel a little more connected. We’re taking the first step in a health & wellness movement—one that centers community, connection, and empowerment. I hope you’ll join us in building this little corner of our online world. Let’s take care of ourselves and each other.