Ben Tossell

Disney Open Source - Explore Disney's Open Source projects

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Ben Tossell
Disney has established an Open Source Program to encourage our developers to utilize Open Source, contribute to Open Source projects, and to release software as Open Source
Thibault Maekelbergh
Nice of them to do this. I like how big companies are becoming more open towards the open source community.
Beautiful - love seeing more enterprise level players moving in the open source direction, a la
Germán Castaño
Maybe the support of big companies like Disney will help ot boost innovation in other fields. Nice project
Nick Zieber
How many other non-tradionally tech companies are open sourcing? I think Nike launched something a few months back?
Juan Sanchez
I'm a bit sad that the projects aren't named after Disney characters
Elis Moer
I need help and guidance to find the right community and Benefits are given by them.