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Jad Joubran
JavaScript Knowledge Map — Interactive knowledge map for JavaScript
I've built this Interactive JavaScript Knowledge Map that allows developers to get a glance at _most_ topics in modern JavaScript.
I honestly really love this. I just wish the items would change color / scale up or something when I hover over them.
Jad Joubran
@brentobox Thanks! They become linkable (thus change color) when you complete the relevant lesson :D
Mohith Gupta Korangi
If possible, try inlcuding a option to download it as a an image or pdf, so that sharing becomes comfortable! Good List!!
Mohith Gupta Korangi
@dviewy Thanks :) Can you tell me how you did that? I tried some ways to extract the SVG or downoad it as a pic...but none worked. I would love to know!
Viewy Demid
@mohith_gupta_korangi 1. Open Chrome Developer Tools 2. Delete header from DOM 3. Turn on responsive mode and changed the viewport to the desired resolution 4. FOCUS devtools and press CMD+SHIFT+P (probably CTRL+SHIFT+P in win) and entered the 'screenshot' in the dropdown field. Then select 'Capture full size screenshot' Enjoy!
Yakubu Yusuf Tambaya
A wonderful product. Thank you
Sebastian Hien
Great entry visualization and super clean learning app. Love it!
Mr. Ånand
Great 🔥 Is this generated with JavaScript?
Lwanga Allan
Perfect choice
It’s cool project
Timur Nahrachev
this would be a very useful map!!!
Frank Laughlin
This will be useful when writing filter code for IFTTT recipes.
Lucy Mwaura
Awesome project
santhosh vs
It is here . Original source https://learnjavascript.online/k...
Valdas Stonkus
What is differences between Functions Lexical scope vs Lexical scope in your map?
Jad Joubran
@valdas_stonkus It's a duplicate, I'll fix it, thanks!