stanislas LV

Lean Canvas - Capture your idea in 20 minutes versus 20 weeks


Don't Write a Business Plan. Create a Lean Canvas Instead. Lean Canvas is a 1-page business plan template created by Ash Maurya that helps you deconstruct your idea into its key assumptions.

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stanislas LV
Lean Canvas on Leanstack is probably the easiest way to capture your business/product strategy and to share with your team!
stanislas LV

I started to use it a long time ago and it is still the most effective and simple tool out there for your Lean Canvas creation


Easy to create and to share with all stackholders


Nothing so far

Mark Elliott
Lean Canvas doesn't let you get away with vagueness, and the leanstack product set supports best practice startup behaviour especially when life gets busy.
Jerry Everett

Can't live without this. Provides a simple structured approach to implementing lean startup principles.


Clarifies my thinking around any new idea.


No. Other systems are too large and expensive.

Shane Snipes

Been using the app for my classes for some time. It's great!


Great interface for lean and nice improved flow through building beyond the canvas.


Could use a little UX upgrade

Ash Maurya
Thanks for the feedback Shane... we're making changes daily to the platform and yes lots of UX tweaks are in progress...
Elliott Ryan Hobbs

Ash addresses the issues that are cloudy in Startup-land, and marries only the best successful agile and throughput strategies from the 20th century and combines them with lessons from the dotcom Silicon Valley 21st century businesses. Ash’s approach is one of the most vital tools for my team.


Fantastic tool to focus and keep your team on targets to close sales, from the canvas to the projections.


The basic membership only allows for one canvas, but the freemium allows more without the traction model.


This is the best approach, It will help you and your team to ask important questions first. Then you can plan your sprint iteration to do experiments to get answers.


Reduce waste by going with the essential.


Not the canvas but librairies of previous cases can be useful.

Leonardo Valente

Use it every year at least from 6-7 years at university as a fundamental tool for lean startup understanding.


Best canvas model implementation, quick and easy tool.


Maybe more mobile friendly or a wizard mode is missing, but really are not big problems.

Ian Brand
I recently started a subscription to LeanStack to use with one of my projects. I have found it to be extremely valuable. The tools help tracking and organizations, and the courses and guides are amazing. I have found it to be a great resource and tool for going from idea to traction.
David Golub

Takes a few times to perfect your skills - but then it becomes very clear.


A smart and logical planning tool that is well designed and easy to use. Clients love this and always find is valuable.


The UX is OK-sh -- workable but slightly clunky

I knew Canvas before but now I deeply understand and apply Lean Canvas from Ash Maurya when I start up business at Canada. I learn from them and it gives me a lot of opportunities when I come to market and build the model for my own business. I wish I can knew Lean Canvas in 3 years ago. Thank you for your value in business. Bill @ Maple Smart Control - Mob App Solution for increase manpower efficiency, data storage and remote different location will try to apply this concept in my discover business in Canada
Ebrahim-Khalil Hassen

Ash Maurya is an excellent teacher and provides thought leadership. Anyone trying to build a product or service will benefit from learning about the Lean Canvas.


A useful adaptation of the Business Model Canvas to bootstrapping startups.


The time is on 'product-market' fit and I think it needs a shorter process of validating the problem.

Rex Chan
+ 1 Agree “A useful adaptation of the Business Model Canvas to bootstrapping startups.”. Intuitive fill in "Problem and Customer/Segment" when i focus customer segment's pain and the segment relationship.
Amanda Appiagyei
The best way to use a Lean Canvas. I recommend to all my clients.
Allen Fuller

Lean Canvas has become a universal tool for business planning. It keeps you focused and forces you to answer the hard questions early, but does so quickly without getting lost in the weeds. Keep it clean, keep it focused, keep innovating -- those are just some of the benefits of using Lean Canvas.


Makes the process of planning a new business or project very focused.


If I really had to pick something, as others have mentioned, could benefit from added domain-specific materials.

Ian Philpot
Been using Lean Canvas for a couple of years now, and it's the best platform to test business ideas or to reframe existing ideas. I've recommended this to several friends when they're trying to figure out their idea but haven't fully thought through their whole business model.
Phillip Smith

This is not simply a tool for filling out out a Lean Canvas (a single page business model story), though it does that incredibly well. The Lean Canvas tool itself is excellent, allowing easy collaboration with others, as well as tools to make reading and presenting a canvas easier. However, the Lean Stack platform contains several tools -- not just the canvas -- and many resources for early-stage entrepreneurs. As a startup coach, my favourite part of Lean Stack I can oversee the work of several entrepreneurs within a single UI / workflow.


Easy to master. An essential way for an entrepreneur to describe their business model story quickly, and succinctly.


More examples of filled-in canvases would help to visualize the way that other businesses have used this tool.

chris luther
Lean Canvas is a fantastic tool for evaluating and evolving your product, especially within a product team. The model is easy to communicate, and is particularly good for testing ideas and flushing out the vagueness. I've attended several of his workshops and Ash is an excellent teacher and is a passionate advocate for applying agile/CI models to business plans.
Marcelo de Castro
I've been using the lean canvas and it's the primary tool in my company to capture ideas, build, learn, communicate and deliver products.
Jonathan Du Toit
I got my first account when it used to be spark59. Amazing tool.
Roslyn Baker
Lean Canvas requires thinking time. It will give you a considered plan for your ideas and or business. For those new to Lean Canvas on Leanstack if you are feeling frustrated as you begin then you are on the right track! If it takes you and hour and 20 minutes the first time you use it for analysis then good! Thanks Ash Maurya.