I consider sharing this load of useful information for free - (and I can't decide yet) highly altruistic or highly insane or probably (and more likely) insanely altruistic! Hope karma strikes You back in high style! ;) Big kudos to You for this, @kaloyanyankulov !
Hello Hunters,
It's Kalo - the author of "The Champion's Guide to Outreach Marketing".
This eBook comes with 4 bonuses to supercharge your outreach:
- Outreach list template - that's a swap spreadsheet to put your outreach opportunities in one place and have your efforts more organized.
- Top 100 medias outreach list- if you need the email of New York Times senior editor or the email of the founder of Mashable - they're in the list. This is a prospect list with real contact info and social profiles of people in charge of the 100 biggest media outlets online like HufPost, ABCnews, Forbes, AdWeek, etc., etc.
- Hypothesis spreadsheet - use this as a framework for your outreach efforts and declare your outcomes.
- 50+ tools to use for outreach - A list of the best tools to do outreach marketing out there.
I've put quite some time in this project:
I wrote 150 pages in 2 weeks working 20 hours a day. I’ve connected with some of the top influencers on outreach marketing out there, and I’ve put a list of top 100 media websites + contacts so you can start your outreach today.
So hopefully, fellow marketers out there will find it useful!
Feel free to comment or send me a message at kalo@headreach.com if you need help with Outreach marketing.
Hustle on!
What's the really important take away here--creating massive value for the end user whatever Kalo creates in the future people will remember something like this as it can be also used in a long tail content campaign everybody take a look --you'll learn some tricks you didn't know before.
Kalo put a lot of thought into this Guide. It's immediately evident as you go through it that there are key takeaways and lessons that he spent the time to methodically break-down and systematize. This is a must for training (and scaling) any internal outreach operations.
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