gilbert mpanga

PaidReview - Get paid for reviewing products


You don't have to be a celebrity or influencer to make money from social media ads.With paid review,you can earn money simply by listing products and services your already using to friends and family on social media by simply taking a picture of that item,commenting about it,recommending it and attaching a link we give you for your audience.

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Dean Ward
'for recommending products your using' -This doesn't inspire confidence.
gilbert mpanga
@realdeanward Yes we had left out a lot of explaining and poor user experience and UI left the MVP hanging but we are working hard to fix that. You have pointed our `'for recommending products your using' -This doesn't inspire confidence` could you please explain more what you meant , and thanks for reaching out your feedback rocks!
Ryan Farrell
@realdeanward @gilbertmpanga12 Well, first of all: it's "you're" not "your." Second of all: this is a really weird sentence. It reads very odd. I would highly suggest hiring a copywriter that has a strong grasp of English to take a pass at the copy on your website.
@realdeanward @gilbertmpanga12 @rumstreet I second that. Fair or not, the broken English copy will give many native English speakers the impression that this is some sort of scam.
Dean Ward
Yes as others have said here it's "you're". You also have a "there" where you should have a "their" on the same page. These seem like small things but it's important to get it right if you're trying to convert with this page.
gilbert mpanga
@realdeanward @rumstreet @cacarr I never thought having some grammatic errors would count me as a scam my apologies will fix it.
Jamie Gordon
@gilbertmpanga12 i really got confused by the UI and what i was doing
gilbert mpanga
@jamie_ross thanks for pointing that out . We were quickly iterating to test the idea and forgot to guide the user . But here's how PaidReview works. Users sign up via using there social media (facebook), User select one category of product they have used and loved e.g consumer electronics, the app takes them to the next page where they can list products under that category. The app notifies the user the products have been successfully sent to the brand responsible and in turn they get back a PR-code link which they can embed in there posts, messages on social media so that they can share that same experience they had using it. Users are paid per click on the PR code link. Otherwise for the brand, it just lists products which on the app, each product is assigned a PR code which they send to the user. I hope that clears everything.
Jamie Gordon
@gilbertmpanga12 its too complicated, you have user data sitting there gathering dust if they only like iphones, so i think you need to narrow the niche down.
gilbert mpanga
@jamie_ross Thanks Jamie for pointing that out. The categories seem to be many and I have narrowed them down to just 9 chunks.
Anna Filou
Website explains nothing, I left without understanding what I'm supposed to do.
gilbert mpanga
@anna_0x thanks for pointing that out its what @jamie_ross pointed out. You are paid for reviewing what you bought and really loved!,any product!. Here's how it works; Users sign up via using there social media (facebook), User select one category of product they have used and loved e.g consumer electronics, the app takes them to the next page where they can list products under that category. The app notifies the user the products have been successfully sent to the brand responsible and in turn they get back a PR-code link which they can embed in there posts, messages on social media so that they can share that same experience they had using it. Users are paid per click on the PR code link. Otherwise for the brand, it just lists products which on the app, each product is assigned a PR code which they send to the user.
Anna Filou
@jamie_ross @gilbertmpanga12 Hi, that sounds nice, I think it would be great if you could explain that on the landing page :) Would be much more effective than looking for the right comment ;)
gilbert mpanga
@jamie_ross @anna_0x sure thanks for the feedback.
David Beaulieu

being social, and spending wisely,you will be alright.


the more contacts you have the better.


if you do not review anything,it will not work.

Josh Tristram

I am really confused when I was setting it up.


Seems like a really good idea


UX is really bad and its a bit confusing what to do.

gilbert mpanga
I'm glad you liked the idea ,really working hard fixing the UI/UX and getting aboard more brands on board :)
Mahesh Shrestha
Are we here discussing something like affiliate programs? Because you're asking to share the "PR codes" in SNS and get paid on commissions after they buy, right?!
gilbert mpanga
@traveler Hi , I wouldn't want to call it that even though it just looks like it. Here you review whatever you bought at your own free will and earn from it and its using your own friends and family on your favorite social media app ,so you have lots of people to share with your experience.
Khlaus Louis Gabi
Its great..billion dollar idea..can't wait to get started
How is this different from something like BZZAgent and similar offers that have been out there for years?
gilbert mpanga
@naweg Thanks for pointing out that out. PaidReview is aims to make users get paid from reviewing products they purchased themselves at there free will and get paid. We want the PR-codes to be universal standards brands can refer to on there products and encourage personalized repeated loop of recommendation of products with in circles of people who understand each other and know there values ,we don't want to be an algorithm that guesses what user may like. I believe our mission and vision makes us different.
David Beaulieu
i think it is a great idea,for old and younger folks.
David Beaulieu
i like the odds.
Alvar Xavier Rodriguez

I will try it all this week


Sounds amazing, specially if you have another way to earn money


We need to have amazing testimonials from people that earn money with the app

Is anyone else really confused as to why this is in the top products of the day? As if it weren't questionable enough the Hunter is also the Product Maker as well. Um....where is @ryanhoover ?
Adam Hollander
@gilbertmpanga can you explain a bit more? Who pays users for their reviews?
gilbert mpanga
@gilbertmpanga @mwtbrowser Hi, brands pay for the user's reviews. Brands place an any amount of money per review. We are working to add rating so that a user with highest rating gets paid more. But that would be if the platform matures after some time.