3,000+ CEO's that run private B2B SaaS companies shared revenue on Nathan's podcast: The Top Entrepreneurs.
He then confirmed revenue details via email and plotted revenue growth over 2018 to rank the 300 fastest growing SaaS Companies over the last 12 months.
Been following Nathan's data-centric content and there's always something to learn. Some questions the authenticity but this is as close as it can get for private company data.
Pros:Authenticity of the data and the candor in the manner it is collected.
Cons:Not that I know of
A great source of information about what is really going on in the plans and personalities of SaaS entreoreneurs
Pros:Aggressive and detailed information - first person stories
Nathan is always striving to provide great information - highly recommend
Pros:Great information - great insight
Cons:Can't think of one
This is an invaluable resource if you need to research saas companies. Also a great way to benchmark your own growth.
Pros:Solid data from reliable sources
Cons:Integrate or cross reference it with Crunchbase.
Love the magazine too!
Pros:Real data from the horses mouth
Cons:I don't really know anyone delivering SaaS data in this way, I can't say I can think of a way to improve it right now