Pierre Vannier

Founders Help Telegram bot - Telegram bot/group for founders to discuss anonymously


Entrepreneur's journey can be tough and lonely. Telegram offers an anonymous place to share your difficulties or provide help and advice with other founders.
It is coupled with a bot (still ongoing development).
Hope this could bring some help 💪🏻😉

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Pierre Vannier
I was myself under heavy load of shit and struggling with precary mental health (due to personal nightmarish situation...). Then I thought it could be great to chat with other likeminded people (founders) and cheer/be cheered. A Telegram group could be a good start as people could share things anonymously. I coupled the group Founders_Help with a bot. You can post as normal users or anonymously by typing "/anon [text]", then your ID and user information won't be revealed. Instead, it is the bot which will post your message. Thanks to @yesnoornext and @marie_dm_ from WIP France for the support