Youghourta Benali

Laravel Testing 101 - Learn how to add tests to your Laravel CRUD application

this book explain integration tests in a practical manner, if you finally want to embrace tests in your project without feeling you're wasting your time, you'd be serious about this book.

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Youghourta Benali
Hello PH Imagine you are working on a Laravel side-project or you just joined a team working on a Laravel application, and it currently doesn't have a single test. You want to change that, and add tests to the application. If you find yourself in this situation, you might not even know where to start. “Should I unit test everything? Should I just test the most critical parts of the application?” You might even find yourself asking “Why do I need tests in the first place?” My main goal with this ebook is to try to answer these questions, and I will describe my process in writing tests for some of the Laravel applications I’m working on (mainly CRUD applications).
Adam Tony
Look awesome!
Straight to the point, go from 0 to 1 in testing without feeling lost in some hidden intermediate step.