Kevin William David

LambdaTest Automation - Automate cross browser testing with an online selenium grid


LambdaTest automation platform is a scalable online selenium grid that can be used to run automated tests on 2000+ browser environments.

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Jay Singh
Hi Hunters, Thanks @kwdinc for hunting us! I am Jay, co-founder of LambdaTest and it feels amazing to be here. 😃 We’ve reached another milestone since our last launch when we introduced LambdaTest to the community. As we’ve promised to keep building a complete testing infrastructure for you, we have hit a milestone in terms of launching Automation testing on LambdaTest platform. With this new release of LambdaTest automation, you can run tests across an Online Selenium Grid of 2000+ browsers and OS combinations to perform cross browser testing. This saves you from the pain of maintaining the infrastructure and also saves you the licensing costs for browsers and operating systems. And as a token of love to the ProductHunt community, we have a special discount for our Hunters. 😃 You can get access to any of the plans on LambdaTest platform at a flat 25% off exclusively for you by using the code HUNTERS25 while upgrading. You can also check in the Free Trial how the tests go for you! And yes, your feedback is something that we are looking for, always. Please feel free to share what you feel about LambdaTest Online Selenium Grid. Just give us a shout at out in-app chat support or comment what you feel about us here! Happy Testing!
Diana Babtan
I like this product. I had the opportunity to be presented a demo of it. Great features : - parallel testing - test report - recording of the screen - console & selenium logs - wide variety of browsers and versions Very fit for UI testing.
Jay Singh
@diana_babtan Thanks for your glowing feedback :) It's really motivating to see LambdaTest ambassadors like you coming out to support us :)
Deeksha Agarwal
Congratulations Team on the launch!
Jay Singh
@deekshamahi Thanks a lot Deeksha! :)
Junaid Ahmed
Many congratulations guys, certainly the product will help the developers community a lot 😀
Jay Singh
@junaid_ahmed2 Thanks a lot for your trust in us. Please share your experience with us. :)
Neha Manchanda
Seems like a useful tool. Will give it a try for sure.
Jay Singh
@nehamanchanda15 Thanks for the complements :) and thanks for being the part of the journey. Do share your feedback on how your testing went. Feedback from ambassadors like you help us polish and grow the product :)
mayank sharma
I used your automation, it looks neat. Although, I was wondering if there are any APIs for reporting?
Jay Singh
@mayanksharma166 Thanks for your compliment! :) We are working on bringing support for APIs so our users could customize their experience over LambdaTest. We will be up with it very shortly! If you can suggest what functionalities you would be expecting from the API, it will help us prioritize the development of features.
madhul chandra
Does this include support for Selenium IDE?
Jay Singh
@madhulchandra1 Yes, we do provide basic support for Selenium IDE, however, you would have to leverage Selenium IDE Runner for this. If you wish to perform parallel testing you can do so using either WebDriver or Selenium grid. Let me know if this helps :)
Madhvi sengar
Do you offer a Jenkins, CircleCI plugins as Saucelabs does?
Jay Singh
@madhvisengar We do have a Jenkins plugin right now! You can read all about it from our Jenkins documentation here []. We are working on APIs as well that you leverage to create you custom continuous testing reports. We are also working on dedicated plugins for other CI/CD tools like Bamboo, Travis CI, Circle CI, Teamcity, Codeship, Cruise Control etc.. If you have any specific CI CD platform you are looking for, leave me a comment here and I will bump up the priority of it's development. :)
Benton Meghali
I see that I can only perform test automation through desktops! When can I expect mobile devices for the same?
Jay Singh
@bentonmeghali we are working on bringing mobile browsers to platform as well. You can expect them by next quarter this year :)
Joseph smith
Can I perform manual testing on your product?
Jay Singh
@josephsmith52 We provide live interactive testing feature as well :) you can leverage it to perform cross browser testing on 2000+ browser environment combinations we have
Shalini Ahuja
It's a very easy to use product and it save a lot of my time.
Jay Singh
@shalini_ahuja Thanks a lot Shalini :)
Anna Vemter
I opted for web automation plan, but I didn’t receive unlimited access to your Automated Screenshot Testing!! Any thoughts?
Jay Singh
@annavemter Sure I can help you out :) Ideally this should not happen. If possible can you ping us on in-app chat in LambdaTest platform? Someone from the team is always there 24x7 and would be happy to help you.
Anna Vemter
Thanks @jay_0687. I reached out to your chat support and it looks like I misunderstood the dashboard a little. I already had unlimited access to all your features. Kudos to your chat support! They were really helpful in clearing out my confusion.
Jay Singh
@annavemter Happy to help 😊
Shlomi Sasson
@jay_0687 very interesting idea! good luck. Small question: i hope i fully understand the product, but is there is a way to use it with exists Nightwatch (Selenium based) e2e projects we have and use your system just to run it in the parallel/distributed?
Jay Singh
@shlomi_sasson yes sure. You can completely and easily integrate LambdaTest platform in your current testing pipelines. Including LambdaTest grid in your current setup would involve using selenium remote webdriver instead of local webdrivers, and passing on which browsers you want to run on using selenium desired capabilities. You can not only increase your browser coverage but also cut down on testing time using parallel testing. You can easily run LambdaTest using Nightwatch test setup and we even have documentation to help you in on boarding. Let me know if a one-to-one demo would help here, and I would be happy to walk you through the product.
Alex Immanuel

This tool was very handy when manually testing our product in multiple environments. It was even better when we used automation scripts.


- Automated tests with Selenium integration - Tons of browser + OS combinations - Nice UI looks professional


Screenshots results are neatly sorted by browser/OS. When you revisit report, layout differs and sorting is gone which is a pain.

medha surbhi
Do you also offer support for Appium?
Jay Singh
@medhasurbhi At the moment we don’t have support for Appium automation. However, it is in our roadmap and we would be live with it in the next quarter of this year!! :)
mounika thotaa
Does your Selenium grid support TestNG?
Jay Singh
@mounikathotaa We support all frameworks that have support for Selenium including TestNG. We also have documentation for it on our support page. Do check it out and let me know if you face any challenge in running your existing test scripts on LambdaTest :)
Eyal Katz
Pretty cool. Would be an amazing time saver.
Jay Singh
@eyalk100 Glad you like it 😊
Arushi Tomer 🥇
Do I need to code the Selenium capabilities myself?
Jay Singh
@arushitomer right now you would have to include the selenium capabilities in the test scripts yep. however we have a cool tool that can help you in creating code for defining selenium capabilities.
Deepali Bhatia
I am an existing user of LambdaTest from past 3 months now. I would like to congratulate the team for coming up with automation testing. Good work with your launch! I was curious if mark as a bug would be available for automation testing too?
Jay Singh
@deepalibhatia4 thanks a lot for compliments. Really happy to see early adopters coming out to support us :) You would get the same one-click-bug logging features as you got in live interactive testing features. You can send bugs to project management tools like Jira, Asana, Trello, Mantis etc, with easy integration. Do give it a try and let me know how you find the latest release.
Ryan Mascarenhas
As a software tester, LamdbaTest's Selenium integration was very handy when using automation testing to QA our product in multiple environments.
Jay Singh
@ryan_onehsn Thanks a lot for the compliments 😄 Really happy to hear that the platform helped you in your testing efforts. That's the main goal. :)