Jeff Weisbein

Know Your Audience - 4: An Editor's Perspective - Yinka Adegoke, Africa editor for Quartz.

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Jeff Weisbein
Hey guys! This week we're interviewing Yinka Adegoke, the Africa Editor at Quartz. Learn about how a digital-only business publication covers African news, business, and politics. PLUS! Find out what makes something "Quartz-y" Let us know if you have any questions! Of course, feedback is always welcome.
Jenna Matecki
@jeffweisbein What Jeff said. :) Thanks for the upvotes, we're #1 in Product Hunt podcasts today, #5 in iTunes New and Noteworthy Business Podcasts!! :) Here for any thoughts or questions.
Jason Towns
I'm looking forward to checking this out.
Jeff Weisbein
@jhtdc Hey! Awesome. Definitely let us know what you think. This is our first month with it being live! Thanks for checking it out.