Sanem Avcil

Kuri - A loyal little home robot with a cheerful personality


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Sanem Avcil
Kuri responds to voice input, and in this way is similar to other devices like Google Home or Amazon Echo.
@sanemavcil This thing is pretty sweet. Reminds me of a droid from Star Wars... lt's like Alexa mixed BB8.
Michael Beebe
Hi - I'm Mike, the CEO of Mayfield Robotics. We are a 40-person startup created by Bosch in Redwood City. We have been working on creating Kuri for the past two years and we are thrilled to introduce her to the world.
Eze Vidra
@michael_beebe42 thanks for sharing - how are you seeing Kuri connect (or replace) home assistants?
Jesse Muller
Very cute! Though I think not many people will see the appeal in this robot for 600 dollars. Maybe if it were priced a bit lower (though that might not be possible) it would?
Jason Dainter
@jesse__muller considering its a walking talking robot, and costs less than an iPhone, I thought that was pretty cheap to be honest!
Alex Abian
This is like having your own functional R2D2! Considering a Roomba is roughly on the same price tier, I dont think it is really that expensive at all. Looking forward to see the progress as this has so much potential. The videos are pretty cool, although I found the "wife's parents" one a bit odd :)
Benjamin Wheeler
What are some use cases? What is the advantage to being a mobile robot vs. a fixed-place microphone like Echo?
Olga  Anosova
a very cute robot! sorry for asking, but what does it actually do? is it like a personal home assistant?
Julian Lozano
That is so effin cute.
Interesting but why not a monitor to give facial expression instead of HW eyes which are a bit limited in the way they can express? Plus, with a video, expansion is easier maybe?
Anna Bayckova
Looks like as not very useful but very cute robot. Does it have any other capabilities or only take and send photo/video?