Daniel Feldt

Krono - Place persons & events on a timeline, how far can you go?

The history & pop culture trivia game where you try to place persons, events & inventions chronologically on a timeline. Like Wordle the Krono Daily Challenge is FREE to play and only playable once per day. Come back tomorrow for the reset!

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Daniel Feldt
Hey everyone! I’m very excited to present “Krono - The Game of Ages” to you all! 🙈 What Krono is a history and pop culture trivia game where you try to place events and persons correct on a timeline. The main feature of Krono is the Daily Challenge. The daily challenge is free to play and – just like Wordle – only playable once per day. All players get the same set of questions. The next day it resets and a new challenge is available. There is also two other game modes, themed challenges around certain topics and a daily history digest where you have a short article (shouldn’t take more then 30 seconds to read) about an historic event or person. New digest published every day! 💁 Why Well. I’m born 1980. I had early access to PCs but also spent a lot of time with analog board games. I’m fascinated by history and what we can learn from it. And placing events on a timeline puts things into a perspective that sometimes can be mind boggling. After designing digital experiences for 20+ years Krono seemed like a sure thing to do, I should have done it earlier really. I also want build something that you can come back to everyday; but won't hog all your attention or have you spending your entire day with it. There’s enough doom scrolling, privacy intrusive ads and attention hoarding apps out there. I want Krono be something you come back to, spend a minute and maybe (hopefully!) learn something new. Put it away, go about your day and come back the next day (if you want to). 🚀 How Designed and built by a very small team (two of us). Designed by me and all questions and articles e t c are written by me. I’m no historian or a writer – just a happy amateur. I try to fact check everything twice or thrice. Krono is built in Swift/Swift UI by Andrey (https://andrey.se) and he’s done a brilliant job. Excellent partner in crime. Krono uses the beautiful typefaces from Rutherford at Mass-Driver.com. Krono are powered by Game Center for leaderboards and via App Clips you can try the daily challenge without downloading the app. Telemetry Deck (https://telemetrydeck.com) provides light-weight app analytics that’s not evil. I love it. 🤖Future Hopefully this is just the first step of many to come for Krono. There’s plan for an iPad version, more game modes, party mode, creating custom games and more fun ways of exploring history. 🥰 Now I’d LOVE it if you tried Krono – it would make my day! You can try it directly via the app clip by visiting https://kronotrivia.com or download it from the App Store. I’d appreciate ANY kind of feedback and your support both here on Product Hunt but also with a rating and/or review in the App Store. All these things helps a indie publisher. See you in the leaderboards! PS. My daily challenge score today was a measly 7. :/ Better luck tomorrow I guess! What’s your score?
Danylo Pashuk
Wow, this is one of the best historic games I saw, with pretty design! Definitely would play that one.
Daniel Feldt
@danya_pashuk Thank you for the kind words, means A LOT. Please try it out and leave us some feedback. :)
Dmitry Sytsevich
Hi hunters. Congratulations on the launch of your startup on the Product Hunt! 🚀 You have done an excellent job! What was the most challenging part of the process?
Daniel Feldt
@dmitry_sytsevich Challenging: Build something that feels effortless to use and that you'd want to come back to. Rewarding: Doing lots of historic research and going down the rabbit hole of interesting events and inspiring persons on Wikipedia. Frustrating: Apples app review process. :P Those can be... frustrating and time consuming. Thanks for the comment!
Göran Feldt
I’m a Krono fan and look forward to the reminder every day. It’s a nice break and there is often a surprise like ”I didn’t know that”. Every day something new, I like that. Krono is my only daily game and I intend to keep it that way! The Challenges is another favorite. Krono is awesome as it focus on adding to general knowledge!
Linus Lennstrand
Love the game and the ideas behind it! You get one chance per day, so you can only get low key addicted... 😉
Andrey 🇺🇦
@linus_lennstrand that’s true. If you truly like to make your thirst for knowledge run wild you can join Friends of Krono and unlock game’s full potential with daily digest, game modes etc
Joakim Jardenberg
I love learning, and to play and learn at the same time is a real treat. From the early days I have added Krono to my daily challenges of Solitaire and Sudoku, and it's by far my favorite. A great addition to the daily crossfit for my brain. Also; Krono is a great concept, but even more it's incredibly well implemented. Everything just ”feels” right and that's a rare sensation from an app as ”young” as this. It has my strongest recommendations.
Daniel Feldt
@jardenberg Thank you so much for this; made my day. It is truly the greatest honor to be a part of someones daily routine.
Hey Daniel, great job! I will definitely be checking this out! #historynerd
Daniel Feldt
@creatorscouture Thanks Jessica! Built by nerds for nerds. Long live us!
Andrey 🇺🇦
Hey product-hunters! I've developed the game together with @daniel_feldt. We've used some pretty cutting edge tools like The Composable Architecture (The Arc is notably biggest app using that too) and Apple's SwiftUI — which we truly tested the limits of. The Composable Architecture (TCA) is what allowed us to iterate on features super fast, avoiding causing issues in other parts of the app, like core game experience. While also launching App Clip support within a day. SwiftUI is actually very suitable for casual gaming, and has been generally extremely fun to work with. Ask away any nitty-gritty details if you're curious!
Gunnar R Johansson
Whenever me and my daughter wait for a bus she ask of we can play ”the fun game Krono.” In my world that's the best review @daniel_feldt can get.
Daniel Feldt
@gunnar_r Wow, that's the best review in my book too @gunnar_r!
Justin Henry
I think the prices are a bit high for a game.
Daniel Feldt
@justin_henry1 Thanks for the feedback Justin! Pricing is HARD and it’s probably one of the things I’ve spent the most time thinking about. I know a lot of people are fine with ads in a game as long as they can play for free. You usually pay with something else, like privacy intrusive data collection for instance – without you really knowing about it. And that’s fine with me, I have the choice of just not playing those games. My reasoning with Krono was that purchasing a lifetime access ($15) is about half the price of a similar style board game in a physical store. The difference is that with an app you have access to it all the time via your phone, the game updates regularly with new questions and challenges and there’s lots of other content we can work with and present to the player. I think it’s a pretty good deal. 1 month of unlocking everything in the app is $2. I think that’s a reasonable price. We include shortcuts for the player to easily manage the subscription in the settings of the app; so it is super simple for a player to cancel their subscription right away after purchasing a months access – all thanks to Apple and how smooth the whole subscription management is in iOS. But yeah. Pricing is HARD. As a player I’m pretty tired of the subscription model (that’s why there is a lifetime access too) and I have had qualms of using it. But as a publisher and developer the subscription models is quite nice and that’s why we see it so much now. I’m sure the pricing and business model of Krono will change over time. This is the path we’ve chosen at this time and we’ll see how it goes. Thanks again for the feedback!