Neeraj Thakur

Kontu - Sustainable multi-sensory STEM toy


Special PH code for you guys! Enter HUNT7 and get $7 off when you order Kontu and spend $50 or more. Offer ends August 31st.

Kontu is a system of magnetic wooden blocks and cards designed to promote STEM thinking and discovery.

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Patrick Greenwood
Hey guys, I’m so grateful to share Kontu with you here on PH! 🐱🚀 Thank you, @neerajt4 for the hunt! 👀 As a new parent, I became fascinated with my daughter’s brain development. Did you know that the neural connections in a child’s brain are over 90% formed by age five? This period of childhood development is critical and sets a person’s trajectory in later life. I was surprised by how few products I found to help me engage her in STEM thinking, specifically early math. So I set out to create a sustainable and safe toy for my daughter that could help me engage her mind. After three years of research and development, Kontu is ready for pre-order! Being a Software Engineering Manager, I was sensitive to how few women there are in my, and other field STEM fields and I wanted to start early and give my daughter an edge in the face of the STEM gap. Research shows that this gap starts early. But we can address it by engaging our girls and our children of color in STEM! Our mission at Kontu is STEM for ALL. In pursuit of this mission, we are committing 2% of profits to various children’s nonprofits to support equitable early childhood STEM education. Questions and feedback are welcome!
Patrick Greenwood
Which drives your toy-buying decisions most, quality or price?
Conrad Egusa
Great job to the Kontu team!
Patrick Greenwood
@conradegusa Thank you! 🙌 It's exciting to see the culmination of three years of nights and weekends turn into a real thing!
Patrick Greenwood
@sgoudie Thanks, Sam! I like the HOMAMO website. Nicely designed and interesting color palette.
Sam Goudie
@patrick_greenwood1 Thanks Patrick! We're in the process of clarifying the company at the moment. We might be working on a physical product next year. It would be great to talk to you about your experience getting Kontu to market. If you're up for a half-hour video call could you message me your email?
Graham Park
Love this! In the age of disposable plastic junk toys, we need more options like this!
Patrick Greenwood
@grahampark We completely agree!
jenny huang
Love the fun with magnets and the counting! I like the clean look and no sharp edges. My girl and I enjoy it.
Patrick Greenwood
@jenny_huang1 Thanks for being one of our pilot testers, Jenny! Really appreciate your thoughtful feedback on the product. 🙌✨
Umbreen Tapal
Great product - love it.
Nick Keyko
This is really cool! I can definitely see my toddler loving it.
Patrick Greenwood
@nick_keyko That's awesome, Nick! If you have any questions, let me know.