Natalia Slota

People Insights - Explore workforce data of the world's top companies


People Insights is an in-depth workforce analytics tool that allows you to explore behind the scenes at the world’s top companies and understand what exactly works for them.
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Natalia Slota
Hello PH! We're excited to present you People Insights - a comprehensive HR tool that helps you to make better managerial decisions based on strategies that work for top companies. Available now in Beta stage - for free to all. Discover how top companies are structured, what skills gaps they have and where the employees had come from. The data that has been collected and analysed through Machine Learning and language taxonomy. You can initially analyse workforce data of companies such as Monzo, Transferwise, or GoCardles. In further stages though, our machines will mine and analyse data from thousands of companies as well as provide more features to answer biggest talent questions. Please try it out and let us know what you think: https://people-insights.knowledg... Nat