Search for & register your vanity URL on 550+ SM Sites
Bram Kanstein (@bramk)
KnowEm — Search for & register your vanity URL on 550+ SM Sites
Barry Wise
Since we launched in 2009, KnowEm has grown to offer a lot of free services besides just vanity URLs. We still of course have the free username/brand search on over 550 social networks, but we also now provide a free search for the same brand on over 100 domain extensions, and the entire USPTO trademark database. We also provide a free social network of users who want to display all their social accounts in one place. In addition, we have an Agency-level reseller dashboard at, a free Social Media Optimizer to check if your site takes advantage of SMO tags at, and our more recent tool to check if your Gmail address has been hacked. And we're working on a whole lot more! Feel free to ask us any questions about any of our services.
Justin March

Includes Social Media, Domains and USPTO Trademark search all in one.


Easy way to check your brand name across platforms, includes 500 + social media networks.


A minor point but way for the visitor to gauge the popularity or importance of the platforms.