Mikael Cho

Makers - The life-changing moments of the most influential makers

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Mikael Cho
Hey everyone, I’m Mikael, founder of Crew (http://crew.co) and Unsplash (http://unsplash.com). Today, we’re super excited to announce our latest side project, Makers—a publication that highlights the life-changing moments of today’s most influential and experimental makers, from authors to activists, designers, scientists, and more. The idea behind Makers is simple: The best inspiration often comes from the places we least expect it. We all get caught up in our own work. In meetings. In routines. And most of all, in our own industries. And if we work in technology, we’re all looking at the same stuff. Google and Facebook (and pretty much every other site) are curating what we see based on what we’ve seen before. The more we consume, the less we get exposed to those people and stories outside of what we already know. While this might be good for their business, it’s not great for our creativity. If we’ve learned anything from the great creative achievements of the past it’s that you can’t rethink your industry if you’re only living in it. Think about how: - Kung-fu and comic books birthed the Wu-Tang Clan - The design for Muji’s award-winning CD player was borrowed from a gesture in the lighting industry - Steve Jobs legendary fusion of art and technology was inspired not just by LSD and Zen Buddhism, but also calligraphy In the past few weeks we’ve interviewed Chris Messina (@chrismessina), the inventor of Twitter's hashtag, about how activism and openness saved the early web. We’ve spoken with Mackey Saturday about how a chance encounter led him to redesign one of the most iconic company logos ever. We’ve heard the story of 3 college friends who saved a huge swath of the Amazon while bringing acai berries to North America. As well as many other inspiring stories with more on the way. With each story we’ve also included beautiful, high-res photos that are free to download on Unsplash and that you can use however you want. A huge thank you to all of our Makers so far (Cat Noone - @imcatnoone, Benedikt Lehnert - @blehnert, Ryan Black, Ed Nichols, Jeremy Black, Frederic Mamarbachi, Scott Meleskie, Eliot Peper - @eliotpeper) and to the team at Crew who make this possible: Michael Sacca, Andrew Austin, and Jory MacKay. If you have time, check it out and please let us know what you think. We’ll be around today to hop in the comments. Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this and have a great day! Mikael and the Crew team
Dan Edwards
@mikaelcho Hey Mikael, just listened to the first one with @chrismessina. Love it! Great work, nice and short, really well produced and nice mix of discussion with Chris and other sound bites. 👌
Alice Thwaite
@mikaelcho @chrismessina @imcatnoone @blehnert @eliotpeper This part is so true "Google and Facebook (and pretty much every other site) are curating what we see based on what we’ve seen before. The more we consume, the less we get exposed to those people and stories outside of what we already know. " - great stories, great project, well done guys!
Cat Noone
@mikaelcho thanks for having us! It was fantastic sharing a side to our story at home and in the office that many folks don't really know about.
Ryan Hoover
I spy @chrismessina and @imcatnoone! I'd love to see more young entrepreneurs/makers featured. Here are a few nominees: @orbuch, @michaelsayman, @lachlanjc
Nima Gardideh
Hey Mikael + Team, This looks awesome, looking forward to reading some more stories there (already read Mackey's!) Was wondering why you chose to use your own site to host this vs. Medium? If I recall correctly, Unsplash started as a simple Tumblr before you started actually building a product out of it. Why not minimize your efforts again this time around?
Walid Ark
@mikaelcho "Makers" was add to my overcast! Ps: Cant wait to work on the new Crew HQ on Vieux Port :D
Ryan Gilbert
I love that these are all accompanied with an awesome podcast! Looking at these interviews I can't help but think this is what I should have done with Founders after the eBook... I'll definitely be looking forward to each new interview. 👍
Alexander Kehaya
@mikaelcho this is awesome. Thank you for making these side projects. I read your article "How side projects saved our startup". It inspired me to be more creative and helped me realize why I should invest time in these types of projects as both a creative outlet and a way to grow my business. Keep up the great work!