Arthur Guiot

ProType - The next generation MVC JavaScript framework 🛠️

ProType is an easy to use JavaScript framework that will help you manage

and encapsulate piece of code to build your website or your app. Everything in ProType is defined in classes.

It was inspired by other language such as Swift or Flutter, and other framework like React.

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Amitava Saha

There is nothing next generation about this. Looks like someone just learnt javascript got out to built a "framework". Still good for a 15yr but then I hate the trend where someone mentions their age in a project to grab some sympathy votes.




Nothing next generation, very rudimentary

Arthur Guiot
I understand your point, I did another framework a long time ago called DisplayJS, that is pretty different from ProType, and I wanted something radically different. I created ProType for making me more productive. I understand that other people don't have the same vision as me. I decided to share this project not to get upvotes (and you can check in every of my other projects that I never mentioned my age) I just did it here, not to get upvotes but just to introduce myself a little bit (you'll also notice that it's in the comment section and no elsewhere). Thank you very much for your review, it helps me see what people really need. My definition of a framework is that it should help not making developer job harder by making them learn something different. But as I said, it's my definition. The 'next generation' is simply here for telling people that ProType is only working with modern environments (ES6 and above), and because I couldn't find a slogan cooler than that 😎.
Nicolás Guzmán

I have to agree with Amitava, very rudimentary.

Also, if I did your first demo in jQuery it will only take 2-4 lines of code.


Awesome that you created a framework at 15


yet another JS framework :)

Arthur Guiot
You should read my answer to Amitava. I also wrote on the website that it was made for large project, and that you could do a lot better with other frameworks for small projects.
Arthur Guiot
Thank you for your review 😊
Arthur Guiot
Hello, my name is Arthur, I’m 15 years old, and I built this to make me more productive at creating cool things and help developers around the world, please tell me what you guys think about this 😊
Chris Choy
I think developers will still stick to popular frameworks like react, angular, vue. So, it's not that useful. But you starting to make such library in 15 year old is impressive. Keep it up.
Arthur Guiot
@chris_choy Thank you. I also think they won't change their habits. ProType isn't my first project, and I'm not looking for fame at all. I created ProType for making me productive, and I decided after to share it to other people just to see what they were thinking about it.
Haoyang Feng
The first thing I thought: Is this from jetbrains?
Arthur Guiot
@haoyangnz Yeah, they have the same gradient. I swear I didn't copy 😂
Joshua Pinter
Congrats on the release, Arthur! You have a bright future ahead! Quick tip, run a spell check through to make sure to catch things like this: "I use the latest technologie when developping ProType" They're really quick fixes but will really help with how users view the integrity of whatever it is you're making. :)
Daniel Eitam
Its so awesome that you are doing these things at such a young age!
Jason Sooter
How did this make it into the Product Hunt email? Maybe the algorithm for selection needs work? This is neither a product nor a significant project as of yet. The initiative is awesome I suppose, but watering down the level required to be considered notable is a whole separate issue. There are much better forums for the working out of new approaches in regards to js frameworks. This project somehow went under the bar of having to deal with scrutiny only found when used in some real projects and through the fire of figuring out the issues that will undoubtedly rise to the top if it gets some actual use. Product hunt should float to the top exceptional projects and products.
Lama Al Rajih
@amrith check this out!
Sven van der Zee
Getting lots of "undefined"
Arthur Guiot
@svenvdz What is your browser?? Could you send me a screenshot of the errors? Also, you can try to reload, it may fix your issue 😊.
Sven van der Zee
@arthur_guiot on Chrome mobile it worked fine, but on my laptop it didn't. I'll send you a screenshot when it happens again.
That WebGL background animation on your site is not optimized. It's detracting from the experience.
Lee Qixian
First and foremost, congratulations on your release! With that said... I'll be brutally honest here: Why would I want to use this framework compared to the endless number of established frameworks out there? You listed a few of the benefits such as more productive, why? and how? Not to be a downer but as a developer this just doesn't entice me want to test, let alone include, it out in my tech stack. You need to sell it better, especially with a new JS framework appearing every other day.
Adrian OPREA
Your initiative is great. You should definitely push forward with this. The “framework” itself is just Backbone.js adapted to ES6. From my experience, MVC is only good because everyone knows about it. But working in large-scale MVC codebases is a pain. I would not structure any of my apps using MVC, today, unless they’re very small in size.
Shaun Preston
@oprearocks how do you structure your applications if not with MVC?
@oprearocks @shaunpreston Have you heard about React? or Vue?
Hristiyan Dodov
First of all, props for ambition! 👍 However, in the site’s home page, you’ve said that the framework is Modern, Productive, Safe, Fast... You should explain why that’s the case. Especially when comparing with jQuery/Vue. What are you doing differently? How is that better? Also, how do you use the framework? In my opinion, the documentation of frameworks and packages is as important as the code. I wouldn’t choose your framework because I would have to dig in the code to see what it does and how it does it. If I want to build something fast, the last thing I would want is to read the source code of my framework.
Arthur Guiot
@hristiyandodov Sorry for being late. You can find the docs on GitHub (in the wiki section)
Not bad for developing this at such a young age :) I was looking at your code and it doesn't look bad.. but you definitely need to clean things up a bit and also work on your documentation. It was kinda hard to figure out what to do or even how to get started. Also working on some examples would be awesome!
Mohammad Azib
Nice typographic video trailer! How did you make it?
Arthur Guiot
@maz1b I use Keynote and Final Cut Pro X on macOS.
Todd Oh
Well, it's great to see that a 15-year old guy tried to make an interesting thing. But I honestly don't really feel like there's any perks of using this framework. Even if you are not willing to use heavy-loaded frameworks like React, there are some other lightweight libraries these days. Or could make a simple structure for your own using jQ/Vue or custom Routers/VC model with rendering libraries. Still I would look forward to see next moves.