Eric Friedman

Kit - Discover and buy the products experts swear by.


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Ryan Hoover
Nice work, @naveen and team. The three letter domain legacy continues. 😉 I remember seeing Kit on PH several months ago when it was in closed beta. What have you learned during that time and what have you changed? Kit's super open-ended so I imagine people are using it in ways you didn't expect.
@rrhoover Great, great question. We originally launched it in mid-August to a small audience as a closed test. We worked very hard to keep it on the down-low and not to own it as our project because we wanted to learn in public without focusing on publicity. The idea of putting our work out there without "claiming it" and having our work be the focus/speak for itself was a very important concept we all talked about as a team. Since then, we started to see there were lots of value in the conversations, and passionate back-and-forth discussions people were having about all sorts of recommendations. We also found that many of these discussions led to actual purchases. The fact that at this early stage people are buying the products hinted at a utility we thought existed but quickly proved out. Some other interesting learnings: people are requesting the ability to save kits; people want to know that they influence someone – they are excited to find out that they helped someone out –"good feels all around". These are some examples of concepts we are still exploring.
Eric Friedman
I am really excited to share the newest Expa New York company with you all today. Being able to learn in public is a great part of posting here, and I am hoping to get some great questions and feedback as we launch.
@ericfriedman Hey Eric - Thanks for hunting Kit! Kit is a community to discover, discuss and get interesting, useful things. We created Kit because we believe in a community that helps each other learn and easily discover the products they need for the activities that enrich their lives. On Kit, people create and share unique collections of their favorite products – grouped into kits – for activities like traveling, DJing, cycling, cooking and so on. As a creator on Kit, you can help your fans and followers find and get your favorite recommendations (and get paid to show off what you know). For example, I *love* taking pictures and over the years I’ve not only gotten pretty good at it (debatable) but I’ve also fine-tuned the right #kit to carry with me when I go out to shoot. I often get asked “What do you carry?”, and ended up answering this question so many times that it felt right to put it in one place – a place called #kit. (Fuji-san is the name of my camera, btw). We created Kit in NYC, and it’s the latest company to launch from Expa New York.
Siobhan Quinn
@ericfriedman @naveen great job! And great timing for my Christmas shopping :)
Sol Weinreich
I like this product. I feel like social is about sharing. I don't like ads on social for that reason. I like connecting with people not brands. I value reccomendations from friends way more than ads obviously.
Camille Hearst
@solfrombrooklyn Thanks Sol! You've touched on one of the many reasons we decided to create Kit. When you are really passionate about something, you tell someone. When you really care about something, you ask someone. There really isn't a place online for this back and forth exchange to happen with friends and people who know.
Esteban Aravena
Any apps on the way?
Camille Hearst
Hey @esbvn thanks for the question. Yes, we've definitely been thinking about what the Kit experience is on a mobile native app. I'm curious to hear your feedback - what kind of experience would you be looking for on a Kit app?
@esbvn Good question. We intentionally left Kit open-ended to see what the community would do with it, and we've already seen people starting to post up kits like "Beautiful games for non-games"
Clark Wimberly
Any way to buy a whole kit? I see Amazon buttons by each individual item, but I'd love the ability to purchase a whole kit (as well as see the live price total).
Camille Hearst
@clarklab Hi Clark! Thanks so much for your question. (btw, we’re huge fans of InVision at Kit — couldn’t get by without it!) This is an interesting question, and is something we’ve heard from the Kit community even from our earliest days. We get very excited about this question because it’s an idea that partially inspired the creation of Kit. It’s something we’ve been thinking about and trying to better understand how to do well, especially for kits that contain a range of products from potentially disparate merchants. I am curious to learn, which kit on the site did you want to buy with one click?
@ericfriedman looks awesome! Will you guys add kits similar to resources like marketing stack or startup stash?
Camille Hearst
@nathantbernard thanks for the question. On Kit everything is created by the community. We’d love to see what you’d include in your startup starter kit.
Jaime Macias
@naveen - Reminds me of bag check which Twitter acquired back in '11. Still a great concept and glad to see it back. Any thoughts on how this might differ?
@jmacias I have heard of Bagcheck a few times now, I never got a chance to use it, sadly. We started this thing because we saw a lot of people (including me!) were posting these lists of their favorites on their blogs and on other services. We thought having it all in one place – – could open up some new types of product discovery, so that's what we are exploring now. As I mentioned in one of the comments, we've found that community really loves the discussion angle, so we think there could be something there.
Lynn Fredricks
Very interesting recommendation platform. Is there actually a way to search by product only, to see who all recommends it?
@lynnfredricks Not quite yet, but it's on our list! We wanted to make sure to maximize people contributing great content first, and learn from that, so that it could inform things like search.
Lynn Fredricks
@naveen @lynnfredricks Okay. As it is now, finding someone's kit can get quite tedious. If I have a specific interest, and maybe have an author name or brand name I want to search for, I don't have an alternative that's available on almost any other website.
Camille Hearst
@lynnfredricks we just launched search! check it out: would love to hear your thoughts
Jesse Lakes
Please note that Kit community is moving from to Could @ericfriedman, @infomofo, @tomfme, @naveen, or @camillionz update the URL / website link on this page? Thanks a ton!
Eric Friedman
I will make it happen.
Eric Friedman
@jesselakes this is now complete edited to
Hiroaki Nakajo
Kit is really interesting for me. and I wanna ask just one thing. What is difference btw Kit and Amazon influencer program?? Looks same with Amazon. Amazon influencer program link
Ania Klaudia
Personally love, and actually made my first affiliate sale through kit just days after creating a kit. Unfortunately, for now it's still mostly going to only generate sales from followers you have on other platforms. I'd love to see it to continue to develop to be a platform that is worthwhile (and possible) to build a following on. In the mean time, I'll keep making my kits of my fave products, especially ones associated with some of my specific YouTube -->