Hi PH,
My name's Pirijan, and for the last 3 years I've been building Kinopio, a spatial thinking tool for building ideas and solving hard problems.
People use Kinopio to brainstorm, research, journal, moodboard, take notes, make personal homepages, and plan with teams. I use it everyday to do things like,
- Track my todos and tasks: https://kinopio.club/-life-tasks...,
- Collect quotes: https://kinopio.club/quotebook-g...
- Build a Roadmap: https://kinopio.club/-kinopio-ro...
New Stuff:
- Change card colors, lock position, and more card styling options
- Connection lines can have directions
- Embed your spaces anywhere (including Notion)
- Full Undo/Redo
- Inbox collects random thoughts and ideas
- Draw Boxes to organize your space
And, As Always:
- No sign up required to use it
- Real-time collaboration
- [[Tags]] with Backlinking
- Privacy settings and invite links
Last year, I launched Kinopio 2.0 on ProductHunt and was really encouraged by the warm reception and support. It placed #1 and introduced Kinopio to a ton of cool new people.
(シ_ _)シ I'd love to know what you think. And if you have any questions, I'll be here all day :)
> p.s. If you’re curious about the technical details behind how Kinopio is made, 👀 https://pketh.org/how-kinopio-is...
> p.p.s. More recently, I wrote about how I build. 👀 https://pketh.org/how-i-build.html
– Pirijan,
Kinopio Creator
Cool idea and realization! But, I do not understand your UX. Please work on it!
If you need some help with logo and brand identity, you can contact me!
@pregenun@pavell2l@kreamulya hey pavel and dima, I get that you guys sell logos but this page isn’t really the right context for that. You’re more than welcome to dm me on twitter if you have specific concerns
I read the post on your website about 'organic' software and couldn't agree more! I want to trust the software that I use and that isn't always possible in the vc culture of nowadays software.
I'm currently a student so I won't have that much money to spare for subcriptions like this but if I find it useful (wich I probably will) I'm happy to contribute with a at least a one-time donation, you're doing an amazing job!
I've been happy customer of Kinopio since 2020. It continues to help me organize my work, school, and personal life. There's no other tool in the world like it. It's inspiring and delightful!
Love how Kinopio is constantly evolving and growing without becoming overwhelming like other apps in this space. Didn’t know I needed delightful card styling and boxes until I had it!
A great app with a strong community and more importantly, ethics, behind it- keep it up!
I love this app so much and am such a fan of the philosophy and vibe of the team behind it. I've used it to outline essays, think about new big ideas, daily journaling, and so so much more. Plus I LOVE looking at other people's boards to see all the cool stuff people are working on and the ways they are using the platform.
Also In the month or so I've used it, Pirijan has rolled out like 5 different amazing updates for the platform.
Could not sing the praises of this app any higher. Can't wait to see where it goes !
Kinopio continues to be essential to my everyday life. It scales for me from the smallest of things to large complex ideas and is the best tool for bringing a sense of structure to unstructured and messy thinking. And looks super cool too.
Kinopio is one of the rare pieces of art that, as a paying user, I use nearly every day. Congrats Pirjan on the launch and please continue to build this phantastic tool.
I love using Kinopio. I’m an artist and it’s the perfect blend of me being able to go through a messy creative process, yet give order, shape and structure to my thoughts. I also particularly love how visually customisable everything in the spaces are! Been following since the first launch ✨
Hi @pketh
I came across Kinopio on some platform (I do not even remember it now), I bookmarked it and forgot about it (as it is with most bookmarks). But I came back to it a few days ago and I tried using it. I absolutely love the product and its simplicity.
I made a PH account so that I could come here and tell you this!
I am a BIG FAN of the Inbox, it is the bookmark tab for my mind!
As I keep using Kinopio more I will write to you with areas I like more, and things that I wish were in it (if any).