Josh van Etten

Kieka - Avoid those busy Tube stations!


Do the words "sweaty," "overcrowded," and "busy" pop into your mind when thinking of the London Underground?
Kieka is the only app navigating Londoners through the Underground by highlighting how busy stations are likely to be.

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Josh van Etten
I was always torn between getting the Tube from Chancery Lane, or Farringdon with my office smack bang in the middle. There is nothing worse than finishing a long day of work and getting to the station to find the ticket hall rammed, with no explanation of how long it would be. In a world where we can almost access any information, I thought it was absolutely crazy that I could never find out how busy a station was before leaving the office. I would much rather stay for an extra 20 minutes, avoid that shoulder barging, and avoid that awkward shuffle to the front of the line to squeeze through a barrier. Kieka's aim is simple; we waste 21 million hours every year waiting for the Tube. With today's technology, we should be able to reduce that number dramatically! Using crowd-sourced data from thousands of commuters, we can all benefit from quieter stations.
Leo J Barnett
Beautiful app and something London NEEDS in today's world. Effortlessly avoid busy tube stations and find the fastest routes. Love it. Get on it Londoners! Thank you Kieka!
Josh van Etten
@leojbarnett Thankyou, glad you are enjoying it!
Arturs Dobrecovs
Amazing app, absolutely love the design!
Josh van Etten
@arturs_d Im so glad to hear, looking forward to seeing you use it!
Teodora Miscov
I will never again have to experience Central line hell, all thanks to Kieka! 🙌 Amazing app, been enjoying it this week!! Very simple to use, beautiful design, great idea. Brilliant work.
Josh van Etten
@teodoramiscov The central line is the worst! Lockdown gave us all well deserved break. Thankyou for checking out the app
Lucy Stewart
Such a good idea, especially at a time like this where being squashed like a sweaty sardine on a tube platform is the last thing you want or need. Thanks Kieka i have recommended you to everyone I know!
Josh van Etten
@lucy_stewart1 nothing is worse than being stuffed into the tube! Im so glad you liked it
Matthew Guest
Perfect Timing, cant wait to test this out
Josh van Etten
@matthew_guest1 thankyou! its a way we can all slowly return to using the tube!
Gorgeous App , Well done !
Linda Nguyen
Awesome app! Super easy to use and needed at a time like this. I highly recommend!