Martin Bavio

Kickstarter Spotlight - A page for funded creators to tell their story


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Yancey Strickler
Hey Yancey, CEO of Kickstarter, here. Glad people dig it! Feel free to ask questions or suggest ways it may evolve
Ryan Hoover
Very smart and like @mbavio mentions, this is a logical step for the company. cc'ing @jrlevine from Electric Objects which is featured in their announcement video:
@rrhoover sorry for a stupid question. But how did you insert video in your comment? :)
Ryan Hoover
@diserkin paste a direct URL to YouTube or Vimeo. We'll make it more clear soon. :)
Martin Bavio
I've always wondered why Kickstarter was not doing this, basically allowing funded projects to keep going on the platform. Seems like now it's possible, kudos to the Kickstarter team!
Jake Levine
+1 for excellent move by @yancey and team
Anousheh Tavakoli
Great move by kickstarter! there is already dozens of great articles written by funded creators, where some of them gave really amazing insight into their KS journey (be it in their blog, medium, gamasutra, etc.) It could be a great addition to their Spotlight profile if they can link/list these articles? by @johnonolan as a great example
Zhouchen Tang
Bravo, hope I will be on Spotlight someday. the kickstarter campaign
Matt Kostinas
This is awesome!