
Brainiac 2.0 & KSH - Psychology in business & viral marketing case studies

Brainiac is a database of 150 cognitive biases, principles & models.
Presented in a concise format, as a sketch, and as online flashcards.
KSH is a platform that consists Brainiac and 100+ viral marketing case studies (including 50+ "First 1000 customers")

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Hey Everyone! I've launched Brainiac over 6 months ago, and Today it's time for some update! Brainiac includes: - 150 biases, principles & models, presented in a concise way (sketch included) - Every bias is categorized into a different business area (a lot more are coming) - Brainiac is also presented as online Flashcards game - have fun while learning! Now let's talk about KSH (Kickstart Side Hustle): - Over 100 viral marketing case studies -Over 50 "First 1000 customers and beyond" case studies (including such companies as Snapchat, Groupon, Canva, Clickfunnels, The 4-Hour Workweek and many more) I've created this platform to help entrepreneurs on their marketing journey to find the smartest solutions. I try to include only the most essential information. Just meat, no fluff. Here's more information about my journey and this product #BuildingInPublic : https://entrepreneurshandbook.co... With the PROMO CODE "phphph" you will receive 30% OFF TODAY ONLY, and 20% OFF for the next 3 days Feel free to ask me anything! Thanks!
Alice Rodgers
Exploring the universe of viral marketing! psychology witchcraft in marketing&viral marketing case studies&sexy growth hacks I am your fan now!
Adam White
What a great idea! I can definitely see how it would be helpful.
@adamwhite Ha! Glad you like it! For years I've been thinking about the concept of psychology in marketing. Marketing is pretty much all about psychology implemented in a various ways. I just needed a database that would help me visualize what concepts I want to show to my customers in the most efficient for them way The same goes for the viral campaigns. For me, they were the representations of the most creative & the most psychology-efficient ways of showing your creative work. I've been searching for them for years. Unfortunately, there wasn't such thing in the internet that would describe the way those projects went viral. Most publishers assigned the success of those campaigns to the sheer luck - which is mad! That's why I've started both these projects, and the deeper I go, the better it gets!
Theodore Nikolai Idris
Now the question is - "Is Brainiac Worth It?" (spoiler alert, yes) The website has gone through a number of changes ever since its initial launch and from what I'm guessing, Mike isn't even done. The best part is, signing up to the initial newsletter gives you access to additional Cognitive Biases and Case Studies which were invaluable in designing several aspects of our own brand and product. Also, he wasn't kidding. The price has gone up significantly! However, early adopters to higher tiers will benefit the most as any and all future updates are provided for free, at no additional cost. Is Mike insane? Maybe. But then again, after studying how companies have exploited 150 different cognitive biases - you'd have to be an evil genius to sell them back to the public for MRR or a value-based ever-increasing lifetime license.
@theonikolai Woah! This is a lot to take in. You have no idea how much it means to me. From the bottom of my heart - THANK YOU!
AJ Alkasmi
I first came across a few Brainiac models and case studies about 6-7 months ago when I was researching how to inject more behavioral design principles into our product and growth tactics. It was and continues to be an invaluable resource. I love how easy it is to go back and reference the concepts - so convenient and easy to grasp and action upon. Excited to check out the newest updates!
@aj_alkasmi Thank you AJ! I really appreciate your help! I'll get back to your email later on today! xD
ayush gupta
It’s about time entrepreneurs recognise the value of sentiments people associate with products Everybody in the industry could benefit from Brainiac and KSH. Also, it’s great that we have a mobile option available to keep learning on the go! I believe that the UI could use some colours and illustrations to make it look more appealing.Great job with the quiz game
Tyler Burhart
Your designer is amazing! I really love this tool.
@tylerburhart Thank you, really appreciate that! I'm not a designer myself, but I try my best xD
Robby Moreno
Looks great well done. Would love to speak to you about this soon
@robbymoreno Thank you! My doors are always open! Reach me out whenever you want - salut@kickstartsidehustle.com
Johan Cutych
Wow! That's helpful!
@johancutych Ha! Glad you like it! I think the same way! I use it myself every day xD
Nicki Friis
Michal is super dedicated to his community, and his collection is worth every penny. Lot's of good examples of applications, and his cartoons are chick!
@nickifriisw Haha! Really appreciate that Nicki!
Bharadwaj Giridhar
?makers this is crazy! I love this! Very useful information!
Iz King
As a college psychology major, this is great!
Great newsletter about viral marketing. Looking forward to the case studies.
John Smith
Nice. I like the name :)
Calin Drimbau
This is cool!
Tijuana Swinney
Congrats! Nice launching
Reuben Piccirillo
Very helpful!
Akshita Gupta
Brainiac has done a commendable job in bringing attention to the concept of integrating human psychology into business. I personally have had a hard time finding a one-stop destination for case studies. Looks like KSH is just the solution for all the marketing enthusiasts! Looking forward to more games and quizzes to keep the creative juices flowing.
Joanna G
Sounds very interesting, cognitive biases is something we all should know.