@bbzeven There are no limits set right now. However, the API being used is an internal API and I would not suggest building anything that uses it directly, since the internal API is subject to change as we add more features to the add-on
@letsan We are going to keep this free forever. If you want any features to be added, feel free to send me a message or email me at akash@keywordseverywhere.com
@akashmansukhani great to know, and kudos for that! The only thing I'm missing is results for more countries (Chile in my case), but I realize they take some time and more are coming down the line ;)
@rolfic Thanks! The competition metric is an estimation of the number of advertisers running ads on Google for the keyword. It goes from 0 to 1, with lower values signifying less number of advertisers and higher values signifying more advertisers.
Note that this is not a keyword difficulty metric for SEO (we are planning to add that sometime in the near future).
For more info on the metrics - https://keywordseverywhere.com/f...
Glad and upset this is finally on Producthunt, it's such an advantage having this simple tool in your arsenal as an SEO.
Probably one of the easiest and best insight tools out there for KW research. It makes my life easier and deserves the amount of upvotes and installs its about to get.
Loving this, great work @akashmansukhani. How accurate is the search volume data? Can you elaborate a bit on where you get the search volume from, is it SEMRush? With this I get 2900 for "SEO Melbourne" and ahrefs tells me it's 1100.
Either way it's a time saver and I will add this to my list of SEO tools for keyword research :http://saijogeorge.com/best-mark...
@saijo_george@akashmansukhani Hi Saijo, just wanted to comment on your website...great site! Love the tools page! Just a quick look, I have subscribed. Look forward to your content.
Keywords everywhere is a great concept and tool, @timsoulo he is correct, just be careful of trusting the data from GKP...has they tend to skip keyword data from their results. So far, in my research on the reviews and comparisons out there, Ahrefs is probably one of the all around best SEO tools out there.
Here is a link from Co -Founder of Moz (Rand Fishkin) explaining how GKP hides data and keywords
Just found the tool about a week ago, and absolutely love it. With such a great product it was only a matter of time before it appeared on PH. Side Note: when I click the "Add all keywords" button nothing seems to happen. Am I missing something? Is there supposed to be an option to add the keywords to a list or some other option? Either way great addon.
@llofa The "Add all keywords" button will add all keywords on the page to your favorites list. You can access your "favorites" by clicking the "K" icon at the top of the browser and choosing "My favorite keywords" from the popup. Here is a video that explains this feature -
@s_adibi You can save a keyword by clicking the favorite icon (star icon) or by clicking the "Add all keywords" button. You can access these favorited keywords by clicking the "K" icon at the top of the browser and choosing "My favorite keywords" from the popup.
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