Hi all,
My name is Tom de Ruiter, I am a 14-year old developer from the Netherlands and I made KeyTouch together with my two friends, Melvin (15 y/o) and Erik (14 y/o). We initially launched KeyTouch on January 16th, and were published on Product Hunt as well.
Today, we introduce you to our newest version (v2.0) after three + months of work. This version includes the all new Apple Watch app that allows you to unlock, lock and enter your password on your Mac even faster, on your wrist. You'll automatically get an interactive notification when authentication is needed and you can interact from the watch itself.
This update also brings more features and bug fixes. One of the biggest feature is of course the Watch app, but also 'Knock to connect'. This feature allows you to actually 'Knock' your phone twice to connect. This brings more convenience to unlocking your Mac.
May you have feedback, or have just something to tell, feel free to leave a comment below or send an email to contact [at] usekeytouch.com.
"Kids these days.. Only sitting behind their computers.. gaming and stuff."
Nah, just kidding. Great job dudes! Amazing to see young talent pushing products!
Nice work guys, you know what would be good? A little demo video showing this thing in action... would do wonders explaining your product. Keep up the awesome work.
@craigjbarber A few days ago we have posted some 'video guides' to YouTube, mainly to explain how KeyTouch works and how to set it up. You can see some of them here:
How to setup KeyTouch?
Apple Watch app.
Keep in mind, what we are not showing in these guide, is that anywhere you need authentication, an interactive notification will pop up on your iOS Device and/or your watch, this way you can authenticate even faster and more secure.
For more information, I can also redirect you to our FAQ page (www.usekeytouch.com/FAQ). There are of course troubleshoot questions, but also some main questions.
Hey guys, congrats on the launch!
question: how much time does this save vs entering a password? Are there times when this would be useful beyond the supposed convenience factor?
@tymrtn We strive to make unlocking more convenient, faster and besides that more secure as well. Of course we can not guarantee a certain time it takes to unlock, because there can be interference or whatever, but most of the time, when your phone is connected unlocking just takes less than a second. When you do not want to take your phone out of your pocket everytime, you can also enable 'Knock to connect'. This new feature it the newest version here, is making it possible to actually 'Knock' on your Phone twice to connect. This way you do not have to take your phone out of your pocket any more and you can connect even faster.
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