Angela Jeffrey

Get Kelvin - A new internet—one rated and curated by humans.

Discover reviews and recommendations of websites of all kinds. Organize your websites into beautiful collections. Browsing is a collaborative community experience with Get Kelvin.
❤️ Use PRODUCTHUNT for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card (details below).

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Chris Jeffrey
The best part about Get Kelvin is having a place to immediately share those hidden gem websites that you run into while on an internet wormhole. And seeing the ones that your friends find on their internet journeys. Those places are what make the internet worthwhile. Someone made a fantastic collection of such places: There are plenty of other practical uses of Get Kelvin, but above all it is fun.
Sarah Loertscher
@quable @chris_jeffrey Thank you so much for your kind words! We are thrilled to have you as part of the Get Kelvin community ✨ I agree, I love seeing the places other people hang out online - and when I navigate to a new site where there's already ratings or reviews, it almost feels like running into a friend at a random coffee shop!
Angela Jeffrey
Hey Product Hunt, I’m Angela, one of the makers of Get Kelvin and I’m so excited for our launch on Product Hunt! How do you discover websites today? Most of us type a query into a search engine, get a list of results, and click the top returns. Allow me to point out some of the problems with this model. 🤖Your search results are SEO driven and ad-cluttered, curated by corporate algorithms that have their own best interests at heart. 👁Your search results aren’t visual; you don’t get a chance to see a website before you visit. 🕵️‍♀️There’s no way to tell if anyone else liked or disliked a website and what reviews they gave it. 🗂You can’t organize a set of websites into a beautiful collection and share it with people. 😞Browsing is often an isolated activity - one that can be lonely, repetitive and uninspiring. Get Kelvin solves these problems and we’re only just getting started. We’ve built a word-of-mouth search engine, where community members rate and review websites and organize them into awesome collections. We’re taking a community-centered approach to discovering and reviewing websites of all kinds - and we’ve found that sharing websites is a fun and amusing way to get to know people better. After 9 months of hard work, we are thrilled to introduce Get Kelvin. Get ready to experience a new internet - one rated and curated by humans! With Get Kelvin, you can: ✅ Discover awesome community-curated websites and collections - sort them by topic, filter by highest rated, search for anything! ✅ Add as many websites as you like using our Add Site functionality or our browser extensions. ✅ Share how you feel about a site using our fun emoji slider. ✅ Leave a review of a site, or join a conversation with other people who have the same site in common. ✅ Create beautiful public collections of websites (they can be anything - favorite designers, best indie games - you get the idea) ✅ Create beautiful private collections of websites for your personal use (reading lists, research, etc) ✅ Discover completely random sites using our Encounter Feature We can’t wait to welcome you to Get Kelvin. Happy Browsing! 😻🤩 ----------------------------- In case you were wondering, 👍At Get Kelvin, we don’t show ads or sell our users’ data ❤️437 members have discovered 2401 websites, left 2658 reviews and created 96 collections 💫We are a fully remote company with 7 team members working all over the globe 💜We are passionate about transparent feedback - if you’re a member, you can give us feedback and upvote other people’s feedback at ----------------------------- 🎉Offer 🎉 Get Kelvin has a special give away for Product Hunters. If you create the Collection that generates the most discussion this week (Oct 17 - Oct 24), you will win a $50 Amazon gift card! The collection needs to be public and have PRODUCTHUNT in its description. Winners will be announced October 25th! If you have any questions about the contest, tweet your questions to us @GetKelvin. -----------------------------
Kathy Waters
Get Kelvin is a wonderful way to find out about great websites. I save so much time by being able to go to the sites that others recommend!
Angela Jeffrey
@kathy_waters I'm so glad to hear we're helping you to save time! Really appreciate the support ❤️
Sarah Loertscher
@kathy_waters Thank you so much! I'm so glad to hear you're enjoying exploring the internet with Get Kelvin!
Sophie Glover
Being a visual person what I love most about Get Kelvin is the collections feature, being able to save my websites and then view them through a quick beautiful interface is great as well as being able to browse through other people's collections! Ive discovered some wonderful artists through it as well as tools for making my work easier!
Sarah Loertscher
@sophie_glover1 That is so lovely to hear! I personally have loved your contributions to Get Kelvin - I've discovered many new artists and designers through your posts. 🙏 Glad you're enjoying collections - it's my favorite tool as well!
Edison Espinosa
"Your search results are SEO driven and ad-cluttered, curated by corporate algorithms that have their own best interests at heart." This needs to disrupted and you seem like you're doing it. Congrats. Wish you much success.
Sarah Loertscher
@edisonjoao6871 thank you so much!!
Marshall Hayner
This is a fantastic idea and product that brings the web back to the early communities that brought us close together. I'd like to see this take off and remove the disconnection we are feeling today with Facebook and other social networks manipulating our data for research. Bravo Kelvin team!!!
Sarah Loertscher
@marshallhayner Thank you!!! My personal experience on Get Kelvin is definitely different than when I use other social networks - it's more of a sense of discovery and fun. Very excited to see what's next! 🚀
Rob Dozier
@marshallhayner Thanks for the kind words! We're definitely working hard for community approach. 🙌
Daniel Rebman
I've been using Get Kelvin for a while now. I enjoy the organized chaos. It's been a fun way to bounce around and find new and interesting sites. I use it a good bit for saving and collecting links as well. Get Kelvin is a reminder of how weird and fun the internet can be.
Angela Jeffrey
@daniel_rebman so happy to hear we're keeping the internet weird and fun for you! Thanks for the support :)
Sarah Loertscher
@daniel_rebman That's so great to hear! Thanks for letting us know your experience. We love a weird, fun internet!
Michelle H Bacharach
I spend a lot of time looking for sustainable investments, baby products, things to do and other things I want to store together, and Get Kelvin lets me organize those in a way that's way faster and more intuitive than my former system of sticky notes, bookmarks, or evernote. And since I collaborate with my husband, friends, my assistant, etc. on these things, I need it to be easy to share and auto update. Also since these are things a lot of people struggle with (how to find investments that rank well on sustainability, social justice, etc., what stuff and resources you need for an infant) I love that I can collaborate on my collections with others interested in the same topics. Great product!
Sarah Loertscher
@mymeeshell I'm so happy you're finding so much use for Get Kelvin - I agree, collections is an incredibly helpful feature to organize your online journey, and it's fantastic to be able to share and collaborate. Appreciate the kind words! 🙏
Zlata Klimova
The great! useful and creatively
Angela Jeffrey
@zlata_klimova so glad to hear you like Get Kelvin! Thanks for checking us out 👍
Sarah Loertscher
@zlata_klimova Thank you so much!
Michael Powers
sooo... stumbleupon?
Angela Jeffrey
@seizmicdesign it's a fair comparison! We thought stumbleupon was great when it was around! We have some cool features that stumbleupon never had. Our search and sort functionality provides our community members with the ability to sort and view websites. Our rating capability is more nuanced than a simple up or down vote -- and you can create collections of websites. But, if you're nostalgic for the good old stumbling days, check out our Encounter feature
Jordan Frankfurt
I've kinda tangentially found this super useful as a landing page explorer when I'm working on new projects.
Sarah Loertscher
@jordanfrankfurt awesome, glad to hear it!
Angela Jeffrey
@jordanfrankfurt happy to hear it and happy to know we are helpful when starting new projects!
John Jeffrey
I have been using Get Kelvin for a couple months now and would heartily recommend it to anyone who is at all nostalgic for peculiar kind of magic the Internet had in the 90's. Do you remember when going to a website was like opening a portal to a new world? Or trading these websites with friends to see their reactions? At it's best, this is what Get Kelvin harkens back to. Including just enough social integration to feel like a community, it manages to avoid the numbing tribalism and mob mentality of mainstream social media. Feel good about the internet again.
Sarah Loertscher
@jjeffrey thank you so much! That is such a perfect way to describe Get Kelvin. Thank you for being part of our community and contributing a lot of that 90's era magic ✨
Ann Fox
Get Kelvin is terrific. Very bright and savvy.
Sarah Loertscher
@ann_fox I'm so glad you like it! Thanks for being part of the community :)
William Fox
Get Kelvin is the only site I know where you can rate websites. Great idea. And it looks better every day
Sarah Loertscher
@william_fox1 thank you so much for your kind words - so glad you are enjoying it!
Marlies Santos Deas
Get Kelvin has become my de-facto website manager! Like @sophie_glover1, I love creating new collections and browsing other people's. No longer do I have to remember or bookmark a site that I'll come back to at a later time, and if I'm looking for some inspiration or advice on a given topic, chances are someone has already rated and talked about it on Get Kelvin! This can only get better with time as more people share their cyberspace findings with the GK community!
Sarah Loertscher
@sophie_glover1 @marliessd yes, same!!! Thanks so much for sharing your experience and contributing to our amazing community 🙏
JFrances Fox
I use get kelvin almost daily, as an interactive and a community based book mark bar. Through GK I am exposed to such a variety websites all user uploaded. GK enhances my web use, because if I find my self on interesting websites, I have the ability to share it on GK with other users in a way that is comfortable and kind of non commital...I can upload, and others can see for themselves if they want to check out the site - likewise others do the same for me- and then expand discussion in comments. It’s not at all like stumbleupon, which to me was set up like a game, so random, GK is worthwhile extension allows browsing to go deeper, and collective. I have found GK as a tool to add intelligence to my web use, it breaks me from the cycle of going to the same sites daily, by exposing me to new sites , perspectives. It’s a highly diverse corner of the internet and I glad to be a part.
Sarah Loertscher
@bbabyjeanzz thank you so much for your thoughtful review and being part of our community 🙏 We're so glad GK has had such a positive impact on the way you explore online!
Danielle A. Harris
one of a kind! fun to use!
Sarah Loertscher
@danielle_a_harris thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy it!
Terry Murray
I can't wait to get started using Get Kelvin!!
Rob Dozier
@terry_murray Happy to hear it! Let us know what you add. 👏
Sarah Loertscher
@terry_murray Hooray! We'll be looking for ya! 😎 Looking forward to seeing what you find 😀
Kris Morton
Get Kelvin is a great place to find and share websites. I often spend more time than I should looking at the websites other users have shared.
Rob Dozier
@kpower Happy to hear! I end up going down a rabbit hole of cat bounce and dog images. 😸
Sarah Loertscher
@kpower True story, me too!
Liz Fox
Get Kelvin is the best way to discover new websites for those of us that are bored of being sucked into the same old ones day in day out. Its transparency and friendly community are also a big bonus. Once you start getting into using Get Kelvin you almost can’t understand how you navigated online without it before.
Sarah Loertscher
@liz_fox1 I'm so happy you are enjoying Get Kelvin! I feel the same way about internet life pre-GK 😂