Brock Chelle

KeepIt - Keep track of all your important items


Keep track of anything that is important to you with KeepIt! KeepIt is an app dedicated to help you stop losing your irreplaceable items without the use of expensive tracking devices. All it takes is less than 30 seconds to update the location of your items.

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Sean O'Dowd
Hey @brocklchelle Thanks for sharing! I also misplay things (mostly keys) constantly and end up looking for them. It's a cool concept but I feel like I'd struggle to remember to constantly update where I last had things. Was it easy for you to remember to update to log things when you use it?
Brock Chelle
Hi @sean_odowd! I also constantly forgot to update my item locations which lead me to adding different way of sending the user reminders. Users can setup timed reminders that remind them to update their locations at a time of their choosing (Such as everyday at 5pm) But my favourite feature that I added was that users can be reminded to update their item locations based on their location. For me, I have the app setup so that it sends me reminders at places that I am almost everyday. So in my case, i have it setup to send me reminders when I come home and get to school. These reminders help me remember to update the locations of my items, let me know if they help you too!
Sean O'Dowd
@brocklchelle That makes I'd get a reminder at home to make sure I log where my keys are so I can find them later on? I like it! Will try it out-thanks!!
Brock Chelle
Exactly! You can set it up to get reminders when you enter or leave any location of your choosing. Thank you very much @sean_odowd
Brock Chelle
I made KeepIt originally for myself because i constantly lose my wallet, keys and anything else thats hard to replace. I also didn't want to spend money on trackers which is what sparked this idea. Let me know what you think of KeepIt and how I can improve it in the future