SendGrid Email Analytics by Keen IO is the fastest way to analyze the performance of your email campaigns and take action. Compare campaigns and tests and download a list of users who performed any action. Use downloaded lists to keep your lists clean and drive up email performance with better campaigns.
I work at Keen. I know I'm biased, but I'm in love. We ourselves are users of SendGrid & Keen. I run our a lot of our marketing and I use our event data every day. This integration makes it extremely easy to run detailed analysis on specific emails clicks, opens, etc, down the user. And now I can run user funnels on it amongst other site data like pageviews, signups, etc.
Pros:The new data model is amazing! Neatly organized into opens, bounces, etc. Now has geo data and other extras. It feels really empowering.
Cons:While this tool requires no coding or programming, its for relatively data-savvy marketers and devs (which most are these days).
Disclosure, I work for SendGrid and have friends at Keen - So I am biased :)
Pros:Keen provides a high quality analytics product and SendGrid is the best in the email space, together they have built a sweet partnership
Cons:not sure