
Karl Weather 2.0 - A beautiful microclimate weather app for the Bay Area


Visualize the weather in San Francisco’s many microclimates or zoom out to plan your day around the Bay Area. View the current temperatures on a beautiful heatmap and swipe across the screen to view forecasted temperatures for the next 24 hours. Want more info? Tap any neighborhood to view detailed weather information.

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What's new in this launch, @atchase1?
@amrith Hey Amrith, this update adds a new map + weather for the entire Bay Area. Previously it was only San Francisco.
Charles Magnuson
Two problems running Karl Weather on an iPhone 7+ running iOS 11.4.1: 1) Scrubbing through time is so laggy that the feature is unusable. 2) Zooming out to the Bay area view reveals a problem with the temperature colors. Instead of using a spectrum of colors to represent temperature differences, most of the map is colored black. Video of issues:
@magnuson Hi Charles, sorry about that. Please try updating to the latest version as we've fixed several of those performance issues.
Hugo Chicher
Love the design. Pretty unique. Just upgraded to pro, What are the pro features? The only problem is latence for me, but i guess my phone is just too old. Iphone 5S Edit: Some problems like Charles reported about Zoom / dezoom
@hcherchi Hi Hugo, the pro features are the details screen (tap on any neighborhood to view details), severe weather alert notifications, and access to all premium features we launch in the future. As for the issues you're having, please try updating to the latest version as we've fixed quite a few things.