Karen Jaw-Madson

Culture Your Culture - Finally, the much needed step-by-step "how to" for culture

Based on human centered design, interdisciplinary innovation concepts, and other research, Design of Work Experience (DOWE) is the much needed step-by-step "how to" for company culture.

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Karen Jaw-Madson
Thanks for checking this out! The subject of this book is relevant to all organizations, including tech companies and startups. This is not your traditional business book (in style and format) and features Design of Work Experience (DOWE) as a leading edge approach. Because of this, CYC needs early adopters! That's why I'm here. This book was written out of a frustration with how often culture is raised as a huge factor in the success or failure of companies after the fact, and yet there was no step-by-step, "how-to" for intentionally creating culture on the front end. Design of Work Experience pulls together what's needed to meet this unmet need. Join in the cause to make both people and business thrive!
Karen Jaw-Madson
@pjrvs Thanks so much it means a lot to me!
Karen Jaw-Madson
Product Hunt Community! I'm testing out a new 2-minute quiz on the website "Do you really need culture (change)?" Please let me know if you think it supports #CultureYourCulture http://www.designofworkexperienc...
Karen Jaw-Madson
@lubo Happy to offer free advice if you ever need a sounding board. 😀 Thanks for checking it out!
Lyubomir Hristev
@karenjaw, I'll keep that in mind! Sure thing, an advice from a professional is always more than needed! 😃
Dave Poly
Cool focus for a book. Reminds me of a lot of tidbits from "Built to Last"
Karen Jaw-Madson
@dave_poly I'm honored at the reference to such an important book! Thank you.
Anastasia Ashman
Been following Karen’s work for years. This makes sense, and with the creation of this book, for any business leader, culture doesn’t have to be an afterthought and a crisis waiting to happen.
Karen Jaw-Madson
@anastasiaashman Thank you so much! 🤗
Karen Jaw-Madson
Culture Your Culture is the core text of my class at Stanford Continuing Studies, enrolling now! https://continuingstudies.stanfo... All students are working professionals of various backgrounds, experience levels, and industries, from business VPs to HR to consultants. Leading Company Culture to Build Trust and Align Your Organization (BUS280) creates leaders with the skills and toolbox to champion culture in their workplace. Here’s what makes this experience unique: • Learn and apply the Design of Work Experience (DOWE) framework—the step-by-step “how to” for company culture--from its creator • Participants get to co-create and customize this highly interactive course. Additional topics include remote culture, DEI, employee experience, social impact, M&A, technology, innovation, Future of Work, startup leadership, teamwork, etc. • “Learning lab” time is set aside to encourage people to bring challenges from their workplace to workshop with the class • Opportunities to network with others, build community, and pursue certification will be offered • Attend this virtual course live or on-demand from anywhere Check out the new audio trailer here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/k...