Jeff Nolan

Kahuna Subject Line — AI-powered analytics for email subject lines that perform


The right subject line in an email will define success or failure for email marketing. Kahuna applies machine learning against millions of subject lines to help you pinpoint what works and what does not.

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Jeff Nolan
This is a product that I was really excited to learn about. In every marketing leadership role I have had, email open rates were a focus of continued discussion. The simple fact is that marketing is highly dependent on a successful email program and if you can't get people to open your emails, then you are constantly swimming upstream. When people build a marketing email, they start with the body copy and it is only at the end of the workflow that the subject line gets attention. The way the majority of marketing teams are doing email campaigns is wrong. The subject line is what drives people to open the message and research shows that people spend seconds deciding whether to delete your email before they even open it! Kahuna Subject Line takes millions of subject lines along with associated analytics data and trains a neural network on specific vertical industries. The demo'able version of Subject Line is available for retail/apparel and ridesharing, with additional markets trainable in as little as two weeks of time from when data is made available. The UI is not integrated with a marketing automation system, it is a standalone editor that is as simple at type, score, copy to clipboard. Underlining focuses your attention on specific positive and negative words and phrases, the result being that in just minutes you can validate your subject line text or work on improving it. Success, and why you should care, is that open rates will go up.