Søren Rood

Tech Roulette - Explore your future in a bold world of tech this summer!


Tech Roulette is a free game for the summer where you (and 500 students) get the chance to take a leap into fields of technology through a variety of random intro projects while earning rewards and prizes — all in your free time.

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Megan Cui
Hi Product Hunt friends! We're the team behind Tech Roulette at Execute Big (Megan, Mingjie, and Brian), and we're so excited to share Tech Roulette with you. Tech Roulette is a free game for the summer where you (and 500 students AKA new friends) get the chance to take a leap into fields of technology through a variety of random intro projects while earning rewards and prizes — all within your free time. Each week, students receive an email that your portal is ready, and they'll see three random projects for you to choose from for the week, ranging from hardware projects to ethical technology prompts. On top of weekly projects, they're welcome to join in on community-wide speaker sessions and coffee chats with industry professionals. Join Tech Roulette here: https://techroulette.xyz. I'm particularly stoked to be here today. As a young woman of color interested in tech from the Midwest, opportunities to learn and experience technology were sparse and often uninteresting. It wasn't until I experienced building a project on my own at a hackathon that I realized how powerful CS could be — and that's the experience we want for every student across the country. Luck should never factor into the equation of whether you get to learn CS, and with the virtualization of education through the pandemic, we see improving accessibility to education, but we know we can do more. Lastly, we're always looking to chat with interesting people and organizations who are committed to our cause — please do reach out! You can read a little more about Tech Roulette, how we came up with it here, and how you can support our work here: https://blog.replit.com/executebig.
@sorenrood So cool! This summer will be code-ful 😻 Is this just for the students or any beginner can participate?
Mingjie Jiang
Hey Aditya! Thanks for the kind words 😊 We want to make the program available for as many students as possible, so while in theory it’ll be available for participation to everyone, we’ll have to reserve the rewards and prizes for the students. Happy to answer more questions! 🚀
Nice game
Megan Cui
@vivekweb2013 Thank you!
Elizabeth Qiu