Ryan Hoover

JustWatch - A search engine for streaming TV & movies

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Guy Gal
popcorn time
Ivo Georgiev
@guygal What about it? This one is much more elegant, and suggests only official sources.
Ryan Hoover
There are several other similar services for finding what's streaming online (see my Netflix Hunting collection) but JustWatch is probably the best I've found. h/t to @sarahintampa for this one (here's her TC article).
@sarahintampa @rrhoover Has Netflix/Hulu/etc acquired any of the other services mentioned?
Zac Coffman-Magaha
Reminds me of CanIStreamIt - http://www.producthunt.com/posts... I dig it. (@rrhoover possibly a related product?)
Ryan Hoover
@zaccoffman ah, yes! I forgot about that one.
David Croyé
Thanks Ryan. We are really happy here in Berlin! If there are any questions, just shoot.
David Croyé
JustWatch is now also available as iOS and Android app: https://www.justwatch.com/us/apps
Max Ade
Love this! Any plans to add HBO and Showtime?
David Croyé
Thanks Max. Of course, as well as a lot more. We are already working on the next streaming providers. We are also working on our Android App.
Dereck Breuning
Too bad nothing for The Netherlands as of yet :)
David Croyé
It's also on our longterm roadmap. I think we will launch it in English. Besides the UK and the Nordics, the Netherlands are the most interesting streaming market in Europe right now.
Zac Davies
Also related, these guys who we share an office with! http://gyde.tv/
Tyson Quick
Popcorn time is still better by a long shot
Gabriela Gonzalez
Why people keep mentioning popcorn time in the comments? this is a search engine to find legal services where you can watch any series or movies... It has nothing to do with p2p streaming
Juliette Cagnin
Flixi available this month! Check it out.... https://flixi.com/