Caroline Ciaramitaro

Justice in July - Making anti-racist allyship a habit, everyday.

For 7 days, you will be sent anti-racism resources, and have the opportunity to reflect, alone or with a group. We'll release additional weekly modules answering questions related to the current social justice movement.

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Caroline Ciaramitaro
For the past month, our team at SnapHabit has been working our way through anti-racist content from Justice in June. Given our goal to help people create meaningful behavior change, we reached out to @bryannaw and @autumn_gupta, the creators of the organization, about collaborating to support their vision: incorporating anti-racism into our daily lives. Together, we've been heads-down the past month to make this happen. Now in the SnapHabit app, you and your friends, family, and/or co-workers can join Justice in July. For 7 days, you will be sent anti-racism resources to work through, talk about, and hold each other accountable. The work is lifelong, and we'll be releasing more weekly modules answering questions about the current social justice movement! Interested or know someone interested in learning more about how to bring Justice in June to their organization? Would love to hear what you think about the experience and and what question topics you'd want to learn more about!
Jill Lang
Collaboration is the key -- together we can make a positive difference!
Caroline Ciaramitaro
@jill_lang Yes! That's way we really prioritized features that focus on this being an experience *with* your friends, committing to the work *together*. What are your thoughts on the shared notes and/or shared progress screen?
Bryan Lang
I’ve been looking for a way to talk with my staff about social justice and racial inequality but I didn’t know where to go to start. This is perfect.
Bryanna Wallace
@learn4life We love this! Workplace discussion/action is just as important as our personal circles. It fosters inclusivity and creates safe environments where authenticity can thrive. We are actually working on developing a professional framework that builds off the engaging components of Justice in June. Please feel free to reach out if you're interested!
Stephanie Mer
I go to school at probably the most diverse campus in Oregon (which isn't really saying much, honestly), and they still did not provide many resources or education about social justice, even as the BLM movement has picked up steam and protests have happened near and on campus. People want to learn more but often don’t know where to start so this is awesome.
Bryanna Wallace
@stephanie_mer We are so encouraged to hear this is helping to create a foundation and starting point for those who may be at a loss of where to even begin. This is a great way to lead the charge and bring your friends, family, colleagues and peers along for the ride! Let us know what you love and look out for more each week!
Bryanna Wallace
Autumn and I are so excited to bring justice from June to July. We understand that this is a lifelong commitment and that's why we've been dedicated to building out new resources and tools! Justice in July is a great way to start this journey with friends, family, peers, etc or to build off of the foundation of Justice in June (Check out! We hope you enjoy each week's content and welcome any constructive feedback on how we can serve you better! Thanks for helping us take this moment to a movement!
Capella Yee
this is amazing! I've been seeing so many guides on Instagram with links to copy and download and keep track of but it's so nice just to have an easy way to be guided through different material, keep track of it, and reflect. I hope you'll be making more programs (and maybe snaphabit you can do other programs around climate change or even just routines for staying same while working from home?!)
Caroline Ciaramitaro
@capella_yee So glad to hear you've enjoyed it, Capella. We really wanted to make it manageable and easier to integrate into your life, as opposed to an overwhelming catalog of resources. And love your excitement about other routines! We actually have one in the works about sustainability. If you have any thoughts, would love to hear them and feel free to email me at! Thank you!
Bryanna Wallace
@capella_yee Very happy to hear you're enjoying and finding the simplicity helpful. We are definitely continuing to build out new tools and resources, so make sure to follow our socials to keep up to date! (@Autumn_Bry on Twitter, @brybry1217/@autumngupta on IG).
Patrick Lung
This app is tremendously helpful if you don't live with your family, but want to stay in touch. My parents live in a different country and different time zone, yet this app has gotten them to exercise and use their pulse oximeter every day. Excited to try "motivating", aka holding them accountable, them to try these as well and have some introspective Skype calls later!
Autumn Gupta
@pl Thank you so much for bringing the conversation home (and across time zones at that)! We are so encouraged seeing how other people are getting their loved ones involved and hope you have fruitful conversations from it. If you have any feedback about how to improve connecting across time zones/different countries within the app, we'd love to hear it! Keep up the great work!
Lauren Shoemaker
I joined Justice in July and told my mom about it and she loved it. She told my aunt and now many of my family members have joined. It makes learning so easy and my favorite part is how easy it is to share with others!
Caroline Ciaramitaro
@works_by_lauren Love that you're doing it with your family! Are there any topics you'd like covered in the future?
Sarah Myers
This is a great tool to stay informed and help me to continue the conversation of racial injustice with my friends, family, and coworkers.
Caroline Ciaramitaro
@smyers393 So glad to hear you're liking it, Sarah. Are there any topics you'd like covered for the next weeks? What would be most helpful for your group?
Justine Cosman
Time is something that I wish were an endless resource, yet it seems like there is never enough. Running a business, being a partner and a mom, and all of the other fun things that occur in life can feel overwhelming enough, but then I also want to continuing learning about how to be better person and improve others lives. (Mind you, I recognize that everyone has their stressors and I recognize my privilege). What I love about Snap Habit is they make it feel manageable with small chunks everyday and provides you with a community of support to help you address all aspects of your health and wellness - including Social Justice! What a wonderfully supportive app!
Caroline Ciaramitaro
@jcosman Thank you so much for the support, Justine. Our goal was to build something that could be sustainably integrated into anyone's lifestyle, so good to hear you've found it doing just that. Is there anything that you think would make these experience more seamless amid the rest of your day-to-day? Thank you!
Robert McKee
?makers Great idea! I am wondering if the petition I am working on would have a place with your product. It relates to learning about where your investment/retirement money goes, specifically for private prisons and bail companies.
Bryanna Wallace
@robert_mckee Thank you for sharing Robert! We can definitely take a look at this petition and see if we can fit it in as an action item for upcoming content. We appreciate you bringing to our attention!
Simone Bernstein
This is amazing! What a wonderful initiative. This is a great way to obtain a toolkit with new resources and share them with my peers!
Kathleen Shoemaker
I have already recommended Justice in July to several people. I’ve appreciated the selections and thought provoking content which have prompted much discussion.
Caroline Ciaramitaro
@k_shoemaker That is great to hear, Kathleen! Are there any topics you'd like covered in the future?
Mary Quinlan Fabrizio
I’ve recommended Justice in July to my friends and colleagues. I’ve been very impressed with the modules and look forward to each recommendation to advance my knowledge.
Bryanna Wallace
@mary_quinlan_fabrizio We are so glad to hear this Mary! Thanks for following along and we hope you continue to enjoy! Please let us know if you ever have any feedback or questions.