Nana Adjei Manu

JuniorJobs 2.0 - Curated internships, entry level and junior jobs.

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Nana Adjei Manu
I've read so many times that you should solve your own problem, and so last week I sat down to think about all the problems in my life. Last year I was starting job hunt after college, finding junior or entry level roles were difficult to find so I put together a simple application and launched on Producthunt and had over 200 votes and I left working on it because I didn't know how to grow it and actually help people with it. Fast forward, this year I have been postponing working on it for a while but it came up again when I went to a meetup and people seeking entry-level roles asked the same questions I had when I was starting out. This prompted me to think well about it and I have finally put together a web app that shows some of the best junior and entry-level roles around. It turned out that I had quite a few problems worth solving, and the most interesting one led me to the idea for JuniorJobs! Let me introduce JuniorJobs you can visit the URL and sign to the mailing list to receive entry-level jobs every week. I am now working on making the curation automated, I would also like to talk to some companies that hire or would like to hire entry-level jobs to ask a few questions about what they look for. I believe this will help tailor the project to actually help people find jobs that suit their skill level and career aspirations.