I'm a BIG fan of Jukely. Along with Spotify and Netflix, it's one of the few services I pay for.
They've been around a little while but recently redesigned the entire app and got rid of ticket sales entirely to move toward a monthly subscription model. Most companies tend to add more features and functionality. Killing things off, especially those that generate revenue, is hard to do. Props to the team for narrowing their focus.
@rrhoover I'm curious what their addressable market size is. Movie theaters offer similar subscription deals but they're actually pretty expensive. How will this business grow/be profitable?
@rrhoover Yep, that's the triumverate (and between a tribe of four, add in HBO Now, Hulu as shared accounts) - all for under the cost of a timesuck cable package.
Anyway, $45 for me and a friend to go to as many shows as we want in a town like Austin? Done and done.
i work at atlantic records handling shows for our artists and have heard nothing but great things bout jukely from venue managers. pretty brilliant idea and relationships/deals with venues and have been able to score a lot of last min tix for "free" including hard festival and couple shows that sold out and released tix last min before doors opened. congrats @jukely
I LOVE Jukely in Chicago. It's paid for itself so many times over. New app is great, and agree with Ryan, very clutch move focusing on the subscription service and killing the ticket sales.
I use it religiously in Portland. Probably average about $300 worth of tickets a month. It's a great excuse to see new artists, great for dates, and I don't feel bad leaving early if it's not my thing because it feels like a free ticket.
I love Jukely, but I've had issues recently and was on the verge of canceling. I feel like every time I open the app all of the shows in SF have already been claimed, and I haven't seen a ton of shows that have been really interesting to me :/
@tzhongg Hi Tiffany! You are correct. You current do have a free month. That copy will be fixed; it currently does not reflect the value of your promo code. Feel free to PM me if you need any help or have any more questions :)
I've been trying out Jukely the last couple months. I really like the Jukely exclusive concerts, but most other shows I want to see are claimed before they even go out to the regular members. The upsell is a difficult value proposition for me personally. How do you guys look at merchandising those ticket allocations and how does that fit into your vision of the product?
š I wanted to chime in here about the coupon code found through the 'Get It' link. We're still working out some kinks with our coupon code messaging and I want to clarify for those that might be running into confusion:
ā After you sign up on the web with the code, the renew date incorrectly says you will be billed 14 days later **Don't worry, it's safely after the first month period**
ā When you try and claim your first spot to a show, you'll receive feedback that your card will be charged. **This will not happen, go to that show! If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to email me directly at jay@jukely.com**
I love @Jukely too and have been using it for months - it's paid for itself many times over in Miami where the average club admission price is $20. I would love to see an extended subscription type which allows you to claim for multiple shows in a week during festivals like Art Basel and Winter Music Conference. However, I'm not sure they have solved for the problem of 'no-shows'. In the current model, claimants of the event who don't turn up to the venue get their access blocked for 48 hours. This doesn't really work for a show on a Saturday night - who puts on good shows on a Sunday or Monday night unless its a holiday? Nevertheless, I am curious to see what happens when this startup really starts to go into hyperdrive...will they have to put their prices up and create more tiers to cope with the demand? Will venues give them more allocation? I would love to know if Jukely members are more committed as compared to non-Jukely guest listers - @Jukely, does this data exist?
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