Andreas Roettl

journi 3.0 - Easily create a journal, even together with friends


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My wife researched the heck out of travel blog apps, and we used to use tripcolor, but it had multiple issues, not being updated since 2012 is one of them. We're planning a thaliand honeymoon, and we found journi. After 2 days, they announced shared joural, which is WAY awesome. As we travel together, and lots of times we needed to trasfer pics to the one iphone we used to document our trip. Never again! I wish journi would allow updating the trips via the web as well as from the devices tho.
Andreas Roettl
@altryne Thanks Alex for illustrating your use case. Great story! The team is glad that we were able to provide a solution for you and your wife. Updating and manipulating your journals is something we are already looking at, but I can't tell exactly when it is going to be available on mobile and web. Getting journi on Android is currently our focus.
Andreas Roettl
"Shared journals" was something a lot of our users were asking for to collect thoughts and pictures together in one timeline for group travels, couples, shared topics, parties, weddings, etc.
Erik Torenberg
interesting how you guys are using the word "journal", @aroettle for my journal has thoughts in it that i would never share ;)
Andreas Roettl
@eriktorenberg :) right, that's probably why we see so many users sharing just designated journals and keeping others just for themselves. When it comes to privacy journi is really powerful. You could even define for each entry if it should be visible for others or not.
Nathan Sudds
Looks very interesting! My only worry personally is when you commit to an app like this and it doesn't become profitable, what happens to your journals. Is there a way to sync with Evernote, Your own blog on Wordpress, something else maybe? I'm on Android so can't test it out yet. I bring this up only because I captured some memories of my Dad on a site, that has now pivoted and their export features were less than desirable so I couldn't capture the comments from friends, stories they submitted about my Dad, etc that were valuable to me. Of course this could happen with any app but at what point do you feel comfortable investing those valuable moments in a startup app that may transition, get acquired and shut down, etc. On my last trip to Thailand, I used Instagram and Facebook -- Google Photos conveniently backed up my photos on Android and my wife's photos on the iPhone so it started creating Google Stories which was cool. But I definitely see the value in a dedicated app for shared journaling of a trip like @altryne was mentioning we had the problem of some pictures being on one device and some being on the other and then wanting to manage them on the web when we got a bit behind on updates. Really interested to check out Journi and by no means want to put a damper on the excitement but just really wanted to hear your thoughts.
Andreas Roettl
@NathanSudds Great thoughts. Thanks for sharing! I totally got your point! In fact export options is something that we really want to provide in future whether this is dropbox, evernote, flickr or a real photo book. I believe that we could create a lot of value for our users with these features. But as a small startup we have to stay focused and survive. And I can't promise if we will succeed on our way, but I can def. tell that we found product/market fit for our core functionality and that this won't change to a totally different product. :) But all our supporters out there are happy to spread the word and help us on our "journi". p.s. we do have a nice video for sharing:
Nathan Sudds
@aroettl @NathanSudds Thanks Andreas, good to hear your thoughts too -- I will keep an eye on what you guys are doing and I'm sending the link to my wife who is on iOS so we can experiment with it on our own "journi" :) I love the name for that reason alone, it's quickly embedded into the conversation. The video looks good too.
Nathan Sudds
After saying all that, I am still very interested in the beta when you release it for Android -- I leave in less than a month on long term travel in Asia -- would love to try out the shared journi features with my wife who's on iPhone to keep friends updated and blog about it.
Andreas Roettl
@NathanSudds I'm afraid, I don't think that the Android version is going to be online in a month, but we keep on pushing!
Brenden Mulligan
@NathanSudds try out Tripcast for android: [shameless plug]
Nathan Sudds
@aroettl @NathanSudds Of course, a month is a bit short notice but when you have a beta, I'm definitely interested :)
Stan Reimgen
Great job @aroettle and team! Great collaborative feature, which definitely adds lots of value to the product! Together with offline content creation, it makes it probably the best travel journal out there! I wondered, if you guys plan to market as outside of travel? I totally see the potential of @Journi to become my go-to journaling app for any special moment in life: Kids growing up, documenting family weekend getaways or trying out new cooking skills! Or even documenting a startup journey! That way you can add the value of journi to a broader group of people, who can use more often in their daily lifes. And if you dont want to mix them together, just release a standalone app to test it out - you already have the technology, which you would need to rebrand a little bit :)
Nathan Sudds
@aroettl Just checking in to see how things are going, I'm in Chiang Mai now on my 'journi' and really curious if you've got anything underway for Android or even a web based version --- since I don't personally have an iOS device. I have checked out the app on my wife's iPhone and will be having her experiment with it now, loved the idea that you can take a Journi together and collaborate --- this would be the ideal feature for us to try out.