Hey guys!
I made Jot as a personal challenge to build and ship an open source project in 24h, while in lockdown 😬 😄. I came up with Jot - it is the simplest notes app that lives in the Mac menu bar.
I found myself needing a place for short lived storage for notes, ideas, things-to-tweet, clearing out formatting from clipboard that I could quickly access. Although it's a bit of a sin to create any kind of notes app nowadays 😄 I couldn't find something that is that simple.
There's really nothing to configure, it saves as you type. It's also useful for keeping a floating window for referencing info while switching between windows and tasks.
So there you go, world has another notes app. Hope you like it!
Hey Rainer! This is exactly what I was looking for. I used similar note clipper from Evernote until they killed it. Bought it and felt immediate relief when I found this app. Thank you so much! Just my 2 cents. I think it would be great if it closes when you click outside the window :)
@oleg_safronov1 Hey Oleg, thanks for kind words! I've actually found it useful that it does not close when clicking out the window (for example I'm using it for notes reference during zoom calls with a window that's always on top). But use cases differ, thanks for the input!
@oleg_safronov1@tiivik that's interesting. Didn't think about it this way. Different user behaviors. Any chances settings can appear for this case? So two camps are married with theirs personalization? Thanks!
@oleg_safronov1@tiivik Ok. Let us delivery/commit new version with this settings :) If liked/approved - will you be able to pack new dmg file for further purchase?