Rashmi Gupta

Jira Slack Integration by Troopr - Save upto 90% of your time with easy automations for Jira


For the first time now you can easily automate every Jira Updates and Notifications for Slack.
Use our built-in automations or create your own with our Builder with just a few clicks.
Try "Jira Slack Integration" by Troopr for yourself for free.

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Rajesh Shanmugam
"Our Jira is always upto date" said almost no one in our user interviews :) So we decided to help. Jira Slack Integration by Troopr lets your team easily update Jira issues directly from Slack and helps managers stay in sync with automated reporting. If your team uses both Slack and Jira, you should give Troopr a try and save upto 90% of your time managing Jira projects. https://www.jiraslackintegration...
Rashmi Gupta
Are you someone who wants to save time and hassle in keeping Jira up to date and stay on the top of issues that matter? With this launch, we are providing Jira integration for Slack to make managing Jira as easy as chatting for everyone! With this integration you get to - Use Smart Notification Templates for Blockers, Issues missing updates and more. - Set notifications with smart grouping and delivery schedule to minimize noise. - Create issues and update them as per your workflow and custom required fields. And much more.. Troopr works with Jira Cloud and Server. It is free to try and you pay only for active usage. We super excited about this release and hope to serve every team using Slack and Jira.
Alexander Raiman
This makes sense, our team uses Jira and Slack. Will test it definitely.
Brian Feagans
Great idea. Should make work flow easier.
Arindam Basu
Very interesting - look forward to trying this.
Great product! Much needed one!
Himalayan Brothers Adventure
Very creative and innovative..
Smita Agrawal
Many of us in test /development find updating tickets drain on productivity and big distraction. Any tool to make this process automagic is very desirable. Will definitely give it a try!
Sasikumar Natarajan
Much needed one !! Great work !!
Hemanth Manda
Troopr Jira Slack integration has worked great for our team. We started to see improvements in team engagement within days of setting it up. Their support team has been responsive to our requests and the turn around time on feature requests was very quick. Highly recommend for teams using Slack and Jira.