Co-Founder of JetWonder here! Our goal is to make travel more fun and hassle-free.
Imagine just pressing a button to get your holiday sorted (flight + hotel + short curated guide) based on your preferences and travel history. That's the kind of vision we are currently working on.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have :).
I've been looking for a concierge service similar to this for AirBnB's.
I find myslef at times spending 3 days - 1 week setting up candidate places to stay when traveling abroad on a multi-stop trip. Definitely not all day, but it does take a significant mindshare on those days.
Would love it if you included them, but do understand they have no affiliate program, so it could be tough.
Hey @benwtnb thanks for your interest. We thought about booking AirBnBs on behalf of customers but that is against their ToS - the person booking MUST be one of the people staying in the property.
I don't think any company currently has this sort of integration with AirBnB. We certainly would love them to make this possible in the future though :).
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