Waiting for my answer now... The tagline doesn't really seem right. This feels more like you ask a question and then you wait to get an answer sometime in the future. If I am super busy I kind of want an answer right away. As of now I have no way of knowing how long it will take to get a response. Do I come back in a 30 seconds? a day? a week? If this is meant to help busy people vs. googling and looking for an answer shouldn't the answer be immediate (like a google results?).
I recently got access to the beta and asked for a product recommendation. The answer was surprisingly thorough and helpful.
Congrats on the relaunch, @biz and team! You announced that Jelly was coming back earlier this year. I see the potential in a social search engine, but why will it work this time? What's different with Jelly 2.0 or are there new consumer behaviors you've discovered?
P.S. Here's the original Jelly post on Product Hunt a few years ago, before we had threaded comments. #throwbackthursday
@rrhoover@biz I'm interested in whether non-direct social search would be better.
I had access to the beta but I never wanted to answer questions - or I put them to one side to 'answer later' - which I didn't get around to.
What about asking a question and receiving curated responses of others from different social channels. Pair that with direct Q&A's too.
e.g. 'Looking for a [specific] product recommendation from IKEA' - X people bought that item and said A,B,C. Ryan and Biz answered and said D and E, respectively.
With that input you could make an informed decision.
@rrhoover There's a lot that's different, we built Jelly 2 from scratch. Jelly is now a search engine. Your questions are anonymous and they are routed to people who know the answer—not your friends.
@bentossell@rrhoover We plan to add re-use of very helpful answers. We do see duplicate questions and we already have a fantastic answer so it makes sense. We only have five engineers so we need to grow so we can build all the stuff we want.
#ProductHuntReview: @Biz@Finkel, been waiting for Jelly for sometime now. As someone who loves breathing room on a website, I am finding that scrolling through questions gets a little daunting. How is Jelly different from Quora besides being able to ask anonymous questions?
Looking forward to seeing more and experiencing getting my questions answered on Jelly.
@sethlouey@biz Thanks!
There are lots of differences... overall, our product is all about short, lightweight, every day answers with no friction.
Quora is a great product, though positioned very differently with amazing, long, interesting content... almost like Medium.
Congrats on the launch @Biz and @finkel!
@Biz + @Finkel, when we spoke a few months ago you mentioned you learned a lot from 1.0 that you'd take to 2.0. Could you talk a bit more about what some of the biggest lessons were?
@eriktorenberg@biz Thanks, Erik!
We learned a lot. One of the biggest take-aways from Jelly 1.0 that completely relied upon social networks, which turned out not to be the best choice for a search engine. 1 - you don't want your queries to be associated with your identity (this is high friction), and 2 - we can have a much wider network of real, credible people outside your social network to give great answers.
@finkel@eriktorenberg@biz I can understand the answers being spread outside your network would reduce friction, but not sure how anonymous queries makes any difference.
@biz that's a lot of engineers. I definitely see the merit in a standalone product, but less framed as a search engine and more of a continuous social-informational conversation vs isolated questions--kind of the ideal bot concept that could work as an ancillary and complementary product on other platforms--ultimately driving people toward the app. I imagine asking a question, getting an answer, and then having the AI infer potential follow-up questions by providing answers to them. That would really keep me engaged. Say I ask where to stay when traveling to New York. Natural follow-up questions are where to eat and what to do. I'd also like to see an option for a bit more specialization beyond #. Did you know that a cluster of jelly fish is called a smack? I didn't until I looked it up, but it's catchy and it works well with your name. I'd be all over the iOS Smack on Jelly, since I always have dev related questions. I love the design and that I don't have to create an account to try it.
Hey @biz and @ben, our app Getmii lets users with a need or question immediately broadcast (either as themselves or anonymously) to everyone nearby. We've been mostly in Asia, but launched 3 weeks ago in Boston and have well over 10,000 ppl on the app actively helping each other. My point being that our users don't often need the "best" answer from the "top expert" - most of the time they just need an answer that's quick, relevant, and good enough. For the 3% of time they do need the best, Jelly is a sweet solution - would be cool to chat
I've been using Jelly for over a month now, can confirm that it's a pretty unique and ultimately useful experience. I never thought that someone would be able to recommend a Manhattan speakeasy that I didn't know of, yet Jelly came through for the win.
@biz@finkel To what extent has the Jelly team been inspired by Aardvark? It was a question service powered by instant messaging clients that grew a strong and quirky network of answerers.
Google bought the company and shuttered it many years ago (http://techcrunch.com/2010/02/11...)
Hey guys - thanks again for the closed beta access and it's great to see this reaching a new milestone with 2.0.
Can you share any of the long-term Roadmap goals? Will this always be human-to-human, or is an A.I. in the works in some way/shape/form?
@dannyfiorentini Thanks! We definitely want to add more A.I. over time, and also start reusing answers so people with either get an instant answer that's great, or be able to easily request an on-demand answer.
Hey @Biz and @Finkel, great job on v2. I don't know if it's a recurring bug but I was logged in as another user when I went to visit the site. Potential security hole.
@riyadhalnur@biz Yeah, we are aware of exactly what happened. We had a test account that everyone was auto-logged into for a brief period. It's fixed now, Just log out and you should be all good.
I really like this @biz@finkel. There used to be a service like this here in the UK - before smartphones and Google in your pocket - called AQA (Any Question Answered) that worked over SMS and it was a big hit - even at £1 a message! (I actually worked for them answering questions when I was a student...)
Do you see yourselves pursuing a similar paid/premium strategy or will it always be free to 'search'?
@biz@finkel I already see plenty of silly questions "What's the capital of Mexico?" or at the very least, questions that can be instantly answered on Google. How do you guys plan to teach people the value of Jelly? Based on the questions, it seems a lot of people don't yet get it.
@pddro@biz@finkel Also seeing more than a few troll-y answers (eg. "Google it")
Is the flag feature active? Tried tapping it to report some of the worst replies and it doesn't appear to work.
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Jelly 2.0